Text List of Mode 7 Scenes

by Zakyrus

0		- Bike Race 		(R&L button rotate mode)
1		- Opening Credits
2		- Load Screen
3		- Glitched up screen
4		- Lavos crashes into the planet
5		- Get sucked into giant gate at Magus Castle (glitched version)
6		- Scene where Epoch is going to crash through Lavos
7		- "But the future refused to change", then resets game to Load Screen
8		- "But the future refused to change", then resets game to Load Screen
9		- Bike Race (R&L button rotate mode)
A		- Fireworks animation from ending credits
B		- Fireworks animation from ending credits
C		- Ending Credits
D		- Ending Credits (Super fast version)
E thru 1F	- Black Screen (freezes game, sometimes music still plays depending on value)
20		- Bike Race 		(B-button turbo mode)
21		- Opening Credits
22		- Load Screen
23		- Glitched up screen
24		- Lavos crashes into the planet
25		- Get sucked into giant gate at Magus Castle (glitched version)
40		- Bike Race cut shown in opening credits
60		- Bike Race cut shown in opening credits
70 thru 7F	- Black Screen (freezes game, music still plays)
80		- Wormhole scene (long version, like when getting sent to 600 AD for the first time)
81		- Wormhole scene (short version)
82		- Wormhole scene (very short version)
83 thru 89	- Wormhole scene (long version, but with black strobing effect; used when going into Lavos Core)

(89 is the highes value Scene goes under Mode: Scene)

Other notes:

So far I've determined 0-1F are unique scenes, and 80 and 20 are options flags. 40 is likely an option as well, but I haven't seen it used so far.

A packet at C31313 is decompressed into RAM at 7E3000, which contains most of the mode 7 code and game credits.

0-F are unique scenes. 10 is not cleared before the jump, but there aren't pointers to 10-1f, so things will crash.

I've seen 40 set in a few mode 7 sequences on the title screen, but haven't gotten that far in the code yet.

Credit data: Mostly ASCII, somewhat redundant. Three control codes, plus special routines for 0x20 (space character).

Mode 7 event command:
00-7F: Opens Mode 7 packet at 0x031313
80-8F: Wormhole scenes. 80, 81, 82, and 83 are definitely unique. 84-8F are duplicates of 83.
90-A3: Special purpose commands. Partial list in Temporal Flux. A0-A3 trigger the Color Crash event command.
A4-FF: Invalid, will likely crash.

Mode 7 Scenes (from packet):
80: Unknown Flag, can't be set normally. If set in the event command, will open a wormhole instead.
40: Unknown Flag, mostly seen in load screen events. Definitely seems responsible for the Jet Bike race's demo mode.
20: Unknown Flag.
10: Unused flag. Setting will cause the command to crash.

00: Jet Bike Race with boosts.
09: Jet Bike Race with rotation.
0A: Fireworks.
0B: Fireworks. Specific settings change based on which one is loaded.
0C: Ending Credits
0D: Ending Credits (fast)
0E: Fireworks, invalid. Will crash.
0F: Fireworks, invalid. Will crash.

I haven't confirmed 1-8 yet, but at this point I'm assuming Zakyrus's notes are accurate, except for a value of 00.

From: Modification