Using Mode 7 scenes

by Zakyrus

I decided to write this documentation when I was completely bored one night and was playing around with Mode7. I was trying to make a battle possible when using the wormhole graphics (traveling through a gate). Shortly after finding out that this wasn't possible, the infamous entity of curiosity smacked me in the face like a brick wall. Then I began to see what every Mode7 was.

Catagory: 	Mode7
Command:	Mode7(and special purpose)
Variant:	FF  (comment: FF is the only variant with this version of the command)
Mode:		Scene
Scene:	        (see below)
Special:	Black Circle

Param2:	I left these at 0

Note: I am not fully sure what special is used for when using MODE: Scene, I never found any difference in changing this so far. When Mode is set to Special Purpose, this is actually used. Keep in mind there are a many, many more possibilities than listed here. I hope to make a list of the most common mode7 variations. If anyone wants to contribute to this massive list, by all means go right ahead.

These are the list of effects with the above settings and only changing the scene. Alot of these scenes seem to be used in more than one value, I am not sure if there are any variations save for a few, such as the Bike Race. Blank effects that freeze the game could eventually be hacked to add your own Mode7 effects; think of snowboarding down Death Peak, or ripping poker from some casino game and adding it here. :) They use this effect for the Bike race so why not? The possibilities could be endless but they would take an insane amount of coding.

Anyways, here are my findings...

0		- Bike Race 		(R&L button rotate mode)
1		- Opening Credits
2		- Load Screen
3		- Glitched up screen
4		- Lavos crashes into the planet
5		- Get sucked into giant gate at Magus Castle (glitched version)
6		- Scene where Epoch is going to crash through Lavos
7		- "But the future refused to change", then resets game to Load Screen
8		- "But the future refused to change", then resets game to Load Screen
9		- Bike Race (R&L button rotate mode)
A		- Fireworks animation from ending credits
B		- Fireworks animation from ending credits
C		- Ending Credits
D		- Ending Credits (Super fast version)
E thru 1F	- Black Screen (freezes game, sometimes music still plays depending on value)
20		- Bike Race 		(B-button turbo mode)
21		- Opening Credits
22		- Load Screen
23		- Glitched up screen
24		- Lavos crashes into the planet
25		- Get sucked into giant gate at Magus Castle (glitched version)
40		- Bike Race cut shown in opening credits
60		- Bike Race cut shown in opening credits
70 thru 7F	- Black Screen (freezes game, music still plays)
80		- Wormhole scene (long version, like when getting sent to 600 AD for the first time)
81		- Wormhole scene (short version)
82		- Wormhole scene (very short version)
83 thru 89	- Wormhole scene (long version, but with black strobing effect; used when going into Lavos Core)

(89 is the highes value Scene goes under Mode: Scene)

From: Tutorials (Chrono Trigger)