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There are two main conflicts in the present, the first being the troubled relations of the royal family and the attempt at subjugating the throne by [[Yakra XIII]]. When Marle's mother [[Queen Aliza]] passed away, [[King Guardia XXXIII]]'s mental state deteriorated, and he grew apart from his daughter. Marle, a free spirit and bright girl, was brimming with curiosity -- a notion stunted by her father, who deemed she should behave as a perfect princess would. Three educators were hired for Marle, including an old man who instructed her in basic knowledge, a man who oversaw her physical education, and a nun who attempted to teacher her discipline (only to be met with an absent student in nearly every session). Rumors of her disobedience leaked to the outside world, and eventually she began to escape as well. Tensions were high after she attended the Millennial Fair and ran off; the King became more protective and attempted to sentence Crono harshly, but Marle left for good. An attempt to make amends by giving the King his favorite food, [[Jerky]], also met with failure later in Crono's quest. Only when King Guardia was charged with selling royal heirlooms were relations restored; Yakra's plot to overthrow the king was uncovered, and Marle resolved her differences with her father.
There are two main conflicts in the present, the first being the troubled relations of the royal family and the attempt at subjugating the throne by [[Yakra XIII]]. When Marle's mother [[Queen Aliza]] passed away, [[King Guardia XXXIII]]'s mental state deteriorated, and he grew apart from his daughter. Marle, a free spirit and bright girl, was brimming with curiosity -- a notion stunted by her father, who deemed she should behave as a perfect princess would. Three educators were hired for Marle, including an old man who instructed her in basic knowledge, a man who oversaw her physical education, and a nun who attempted to teacher her discipline (only to be met with an absent student in nearly every session). Rumors of her disobedience leaked to the outside world, and eventually she began to escape as well. Tensions were high after she attended the Millennial Fair and ran off; the King became more protective and attempted to sentence Crono harshly, but Marle left for good. An attempt to make amends by giving the King his favorite food, [[Jerky]], also met with failure later in Crono's quest. Only when King Guardia was charged with selling royal heirlooms were relations restored; Yakra's plot to overthrow the king was uncovered, and Marle resolved her differences with her father.
The only other difficulty in the modern era was the continual hatred for humans held by the Mystics; when Crono visited the area, worshipping of [[Magus]] was taking place, and the party was attacked upon attempts to buy items or sleep in the inn for less-than-outrageous prices.
The only other difficulty in the modern era was the continual hatred for humans held by the Mystics; when Crono visited the area, worshipping of [[Magus]] was taking place, and the party was attacked upon attempts to buy items or sleep in the inn for less-than-outrageous prices. With the changed nature of [[Lavos]]'s summoning by Magus in [[600 A.D.]] and the later defeat of [[Ozzie]], the town was altered and became friendly towards humans.

Revision as of 03:11, 6 February 2005

General Information

Game Information

Chrono Trigger

Age Name: Present
Music: Memories of Green, Peaceful Days, Silent Light
Locations: Choras Inn, Choras Mayor's Manor, Choras Residence, Crono's house, Guardia Castle, Fiona's Forest, Fiona's Shrine, Forest Ruins, Guardia Forest, Leene Square, Lucca's house, Heckran Cave, Medina Elder's House, Medina Inn, Medina Market, Medina Residence, Medina Square, Melchior's Hut, Northern Ruins, Porre Inn, Porre Market, Porre Mayor's Manor, Porre Residence, Snail Stop, Sun Keep, Ticket Office, Truce Inn, Truce Market, Truce Mayor's Manor, Truce Residence, Vortex Pt, West Cape, Zenan Bridge

The world of the present has seen the advent of electricity, radio propagation, and improved forms of travel. Engineers are now building machines, and the Kingdom of Guardia has a trial system. Guardia, though no longer guarded by knights and other tenets of the Middle Ages, is still the dominant power in the world. This era is home to three heroes: Crono is a skilled swordsman and heroic spirit, Marle is a rebellious princess and strong-willed, and Lucca is a brilliant scientist whose achievements are unmatched. The Mystics initially hold a grudge with the humans because of the Mystic War, but even this is rectified through the actions of Crono. This is the most peaceful time upon the planet, symbolized by the Millennial Fair, a celebration near Truce of the first millennium since the founding of Guardia. Melchior, the displaced Guru from Zeal is in attendance, and the demonstration of science by Lucca and Taban help set in motion the events of Chrono Trigger.

There are two main conflicts in the present, the first being the troubled relations of the royal family and the attempt at subjugating the throne by Yakra XIII. When Marle's mother Queen Aliza passed away, King Guardia XXXIII's mental state deteriorated, and he grew apart from his daughter. Marle, a free spirit and bright girl, was brimming with curiosity -- a notion stunted by her father, who deemed she should behave as a perfect princess would. Three educators were hired for Marle, including an old man who instructed her in basic knowledge, a man who oversaw her physical education, and a nun who attempted to teacher her discipline (only to be met with an absent student in nearly every session). Rumors of her disobedience leaked to the outside world, and eventually she began to escape as well. Tensions were high after she attended the Millennial Fair and ran off; the King became more protective and attempted to sentence Crono harshly, but Marle left for good. An attempt to make amends by giving the King his favorite food, Jerky, also met with failure later in Crono's quest. Only when King Guardia was charged with selling royal heirlooms were relations restored; Yakra's plot to overthrow the king was uncovered, and Marle resolved her differences with her father.

The only other difficulty in the modern era was the continual hatred for humans held by the Mystics; when Crono visited the area, worshipping of Magus was taking place, and the party was attacked upon attempts to buy items or sleep in the inn for less-than-outrageous prices. With the changed nature of Lavos's summoning by Magus in 600 A.D. and the later defeat of Ozzie, the town was altered and became friendly towards humans.





Lavos Timeline

-King Guardia XXXIII reigns. 
-Ozzie's descendant, Ozzie VIII, runs Medina village. 
-The Millennial Fair is held.
-U-Lucca presumably finishes her theory on Artificial Intelligence.

Keystone T-1

-King Guardia XXXIII reigns. 
-Crono and Marle meet, and Leene's bell rings -- probably don e by the Entity.
-Marle's pendant (Schala's) causes Lucca's new telepod to throw her back to 
600 A.D. This is almost certainly an action of the Entity.
-Crono decides to warp back and attempt to save her. 
-Lucca invents the Gate key and warps into 600 A.D. to check on Crono. 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca return. Crono is put on trial for Marle's abduction. 
-Crono is put in three days solitary confinement, then execution. Lucca rescues 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca warp into 2300 A.D. 
-Crono's party warps in from the End of Time, defeats a Heckran, and uses the 
Truce gate to re-enter 600 A.D. to defeat Magus. 
-Crono's party warps in from 600 A.D. to have Melchior repair the Masamune. 
-Crono's party warps to 65,000,000 B.C. to find Dreamstone. 
-Crono's party warps in from 65,000,000 B.C. with Dreamstone for Melchior. 
-The Masamune is repaired by Melchior. 
-Crono's party returns to 600 A.D. to give the Masamune to Frog. 
-Crono's party warps in from 2300 A.D. to obtain a Crono clone from Norstein 
-Crono's party obtains the clone of Crono. 
-Crono's party warps back to 2300 A.D. to inquire further of reviving Crono. 
-Crono's party warps in to pick up Robo. 
-Crono's party has a 400th year reunion campout. It is during this that the 
entity is spoken of. 
-Lucca enters a strange, red gate and is warped back to 990 A.D. 
-Lucca returns to the campout. 
-Where Robo once was enshrined sits the Seed of Life. 
-Crono's party goes to the blue pyramid, which opens after the pendant is used. 
-A Nu gives Crono's party Belthasar's weapons, the mightiest in Zeal. 
-Crono's party warps to 600 A.D. to defeat Ozzie, Slash, and Flea. 
-Crono's party returns from 600 A.D. to find a happy, peaceful Medina. 
-Crono's party warps to 2300 A.D. to defeat Mother Brain. 
-Crono's party warps in from 65,000,000 B.C. to recover the Sun stone. 
-Crono's party determines that the Sun stone is held by the mayor of Porre. 
-Crono's party warps to 600 A.D. to give the mayor's ancestor jerky. 
-Crono's party warps back to 1000 A.D. to pick up the Sun stone. 
-After receiving the Sun stone, Crono's party travels to 600 A.D. to assist 
Cyrus' ghost. 
-Crono's party arrives from 600 A.D. to obtain tools passed down in a family o 
-Crono's party returns to 600 A.D. 
-Crono's party warps in from 600 A.D. to pour soda on Toma's grave. 
-Toma reveals that the Rainbow shell is at the Giant's Claw (Tyrano Lair). 
-Crono's party returns to 600 A.D. to obtain the Rainbow shell. 
-King Guardia is put on trial for supposedly selling off the Rainbow Shell, of 
which he knew nothing about. 
-Crono's party arrives from 600 A.D. to receive the Rainbow shell (presumably 
so Melchior can process it). 
-Crono's party proves the King's innocence, and duels Yakra XIII in the 
-Crono's party defeats Yakra and obtains his key to the locked Chancellor. 
-Marle reconciles with her father. 
-The Chancellor is released. 
-Melchior crafts magic-deflecting armor from the Rainbow Shell. 
-Crono's party places the Sun stone back in the Keep, and warps to 2300 A.D. to 
pick it up. 
-Crono's party returns from 2300 A.D. to craft the Sun stone. 
-Lucca crafts the Wondershot, and Taban makes Sun Shades. (What a waste for 
something that once powered Zeal.) 
-Crono's party takes the Sun stone to Melchior at the Guardia Vault. 
-Melchior uses the Sun stone and Rainbow shell to create Prism Specs and the 
-Crono's party warps to 12,000 B.C. to defeat the Black Omen. 
-Crono's party returns after defeating Lavos in 12,000 B.C. 
-Lucca secretly brings Kino, Doan, and King Guardia from 600 A.D. to 1000 A.D. 
-Crono is summoned to the Castle. 
-The King jokingly deceives Crono about his 'kidnapping', and reveals that he 
knows their mission to save the world. 
-Kino, Doan, and King Guardia give Crono their thanks. 
-The Moonlight Parade is held. 
-Ayla and Kino depart to 65,000,000 B.C. 
-Magus leaves for 12,000 B.C. to search for Schala. 
-Frog and King Guardia return to 600 A.D. 
-Robo and Doan leave for 2300 A.D., a future unknown to them.
-Crono's mom and cat accidentally enter the gate before it closes. 
-King Guardia hangs Nadia's Bell. 
-Taban sets off fireworks by striking the Sun Stone. 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca streak through time with the Epoch to find them.
-U-After returning, Lucca finishes her theory on Artificial Intelligence.

Keystone T-2

-King Guardia XXXIII reigns. 
-Crono and Marle meet, and Leene's bell rings -- probably don e by the Entity.
-Marle's pendant (Schala's) causes Lucca's new telepod to throw her back to 
600 A.D. This is almost certainly an action of the Entity.
-Crono decides to warp back and attempt to save her. 
-Lucca invents the Gate key and warps into 600 A.D. to check on Crono. 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca return. Crono is put on trial for Marle's abduction. 
-Crono is put in three days solitary confinement, then execution. Lucca rescues 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca warp into 2300 A.D. 
-Crono's party warps in from the End of Time, defeats a Heckran, and uses the 
Truce gate to re-enter 600 A.D. to defeat Magus. 
-Crono's party warps in from 600 A.D. to have Melchior repair the Masamune. 
-Crono's party warps to 65,000,000 B.C. to find Dreamstone. 
-Crono's party warps in from 65,000,000 B.C. with Dreamstone for Melchior. 
-The Masamune is repaired by Melchior. 
-Crono's party returns to 600 A.D. to give the Masamune to Frog. 
-Crono's party warps in from 2300 A.D. to obtain a Crono clone from Norstein 
-Crono's party obtains the clone of Crono. 
-Crono's party warps back to 2300 A.D. to inquire further of reviving Crono. 
-Crono's party warps in to pick up Robo. 
-Crono's party has a 400th year reunion campout. It is during this that the 
entity is spoken of. 
-Lucca enters a strange, red gate and is warped back to 990 A.D. 
-Lucca returns to the campout. 
-Where Robo once was enshrined sits the Seed of Life. 
-Crono's party goes to the blue pyramid, which opens after the pendant is used. 
-A Nu gives Crono's party Belthasar's weapons, the mightiest in Zeal. 
-Crono's party warps to 600 A.D. to defeat Ozzie, Slash, and Flea. 
-Crono's party returns from 600 A.D. to find a happy, peaceful Medina. 
-Crono's party warps to 2300 A.D. to defeat Mother Brain. 
-Crono's party warps in from 65,000,000 B.C. to recover the Sun stone. 
-Crono's party determines that the Sun stone is held by the mayor of Porre. 
-Crono's party warps to 600 A.D. to give the mayor's ancestor jerky. 
-Crono's party warps back to 1000 A.D. to pick up the Sun stone. 
-After receiving the Sun stone, Crono's party travels to 600 A.D. to assist 
Cyrus' ghost. 
-Crono's party arrives from 600 A.D. to obtain tools passed down in a family o 
-Crono's party returns to 600 A.D. 
-Crono's party warps in from 600 A.D. to pour soda on Toma's grave. 
-Toma reveals that the Rainbow shell is at the Giant's Claw (Tyrano Lair). 
-Crono's party returns to 600 A.D. to obtain the Rainbow shell. 
-King Guardia is put on trial for supposedly selling off the Rainbow Shell, of 
which he knew nothing about. 
-Crono's party arrives from 600 A.D. to receive the Rainbow shell (presumably 
so Melchior can process it). 
-Crono's party proves the King's innocence, and duels Yakra XIII in the 
-Crono's party defeats Yakra and obtains his key to the locked Chancellor. 
-Marle reconciles with her father. 
-The Chancellor is released. 
-Melchior crafts magic-deflecting armor from the Rainbow Shell. 
-Crono's party places the Sun stone back in the Keep, and warps to 2300 A.D. to 
pick it up. 
-Crono's party returns from 2300 A.D. to craft the Sun stone. 
-Lucca crafts the Wondershot, and Taban makes Sun Shades. (What a waste for 
something that once powered Zeal.) 
-Crono's party takes the Sun stone to Melchior at the Guardia Vault. 
-Melchior uses the Sun stone and Rainbow shell to create Prism Specs and the 
-Crono's party warps to 12,000 B.C. to defeat the Black Omen. 
-Crono's party returns after defeating Lavos in 12,000 B.C. 
-Lucca secretly brings Kino, Doan, and King Guardia from 600 A.D. to 1000 A.D. 
-Crono is summoned to the Castle. 
-The King jokingly deceives Crono about his 'kidnapping', and reveals that he 
knows their mission to save the world. 
-Kino, Doan, and King Guardia give Crono their thanks. 
-The Moonlight Parade is held. 
-Ayla and Kino depart to 65,000,000 B.C. 
-Magus leaves for 12,000 B.C. to search for Schala. 
-Frog and King Guardia return to 600 A.D. 
-Robo and Doan leave for 2300 A.D., a future unknown to them.
-Crono's mom and cat accidentally enter the gate before it closes. 
-King Guardia hangs Nadia's Bell. 
-Taban sets off fireworks by striking the Sun Stone. 
-Crono, Marle, and Lucca streak through time with the Epoch to find them.
-U-After returning, Lucca finishes her theory on Artificial Intelligence.

Radical Dreamers Timeline

-Magus departs to 12,000 B.C. and probably learns of Kid's existence.

From: Locations (Chrono Trigger)
From: Chronology