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[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[ @Doppelgang ]
[ @Doppelgang ]

Revision as of 03:46, 18 May 2009

General Information

Chrono Cross

S.S. Invincible

Found: S.S. Invincible
Innate: Black
HP: 150
Attack: 22
Defense: 10
Magic: 10
Magic Defense: 5
HIT%: 100
EVD%: 0
Action Points: 14
Status Effect Length: 13
Common Drop: Eyeball
Rare Drop: HolyLight (Trap)
Common Steal: Unicorn (Trap)
Rare Steal: UltraNova (Trap)
Gold: 280g
Doppelgang: Yes

Isle of the Damned (Home)

Found: Isle of the Damned (Home)
Innate: Black
HP: 90
Attack: 22
Defense: 2
Magic: 10
Magic Defense: 5
HIT%: 100
EVD%: 0
Action Points: 14
Status Effect Length: 12
Common Drop: Iron
Rare Drop: HellSoul
Common Steal: HellSoul
Rare Steal: Bone
Gold: 140g
Doppelgang: Yes

Japanese Equivalent

Translation: DeadLump

Element Grid
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[  HellSoul-1 ]
[ @Doppelgang ]




From: Monsters (Chrono Cross)