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*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Ian Martyn - A Whistle in the Wind - 600 A.D.]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Ian Martyn - A Whistle in the Wind - 600 A.D.]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Indolence - fragile|Indolence - fragile]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Indolence - fragile|Indolence - fragile]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#insaneintherainmusic - Year 2 Remastered|insaneintherainmusic - Year 2 Remastered]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu|John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu|John Allen - Life Begins with Nu and Ends with Nu]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Julia Henderson - Dawn]]
*[[Albums and Doujins#Simple Index|Julia Henderson - Dawn]]

Revision as of 04:40, 11 December 2023

General Information

Areas Played: 600 A.D.
Composed by: Yasunori Mitsuda
Original Japanese Title: 風の憧憬 / Kaze no Doukei
Time Signature: 4/4

This song was known for years as "Wind Scene". Yasunori Mitsuda clarified the true Japanese title as handed down by Masato Kato at Procyon Studio Question and Answer Forms:

On the Chrono Trigger CD, there is a song title "Kaze no Longing", but how do you pronounce it?

The kanji itself can be read as "shoukei" or "doukei", but according to Masato Kato, the creator of the song title, the correct reading is "Kaze no shoukei" (“かぜのしょうけい”). This directly translates to "longing".

Official Releases

Unofficial Releases

.spc Rips

.2SF Rips

.psf Rips

Alpha Tracks


Restorations attempt to take compressed, low-quality sampled music (as found on video games, such as Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross) and "restore" them by tracking down the original samples and recreating the songs, as they would've sounded like to the composers before being subject to hardware limitations.

tssf Chrono Trigger Restorations

Albums and Doujins

OneUpStudios: Time & Space (Green)


Chrono Compendium





Good Stuff




Blake Robinson

Blue Planet


Celestia8 -SquareEnix Festival 2nd Stage- (2011)

CelestiaX -SquareDance Music Arrange Festival 3-

Celestia13 10th Anniversary

Celestia14 -SQEX Festival:Altar-

Chrono Trigger Mixtape

Volume 1

Chrono Trigger Remake Project

DJ-Dr.MNM's Chrono Trigger Hiphop Mixtape

1. 'Crono & Marle ~ Far Off Promise and GUST Wind - Usher - Yeah (Longing of the Wind)'

Dwelling of Duels

December 2005 / January 2006

14. The Hunt for That Girl by XenonOdyssey

December 2006

10tie: '600 A.D., the place to be (formerly Wind Scene)' by Bobby Winston
15: 'Wind Scene' by Endless Night (zmet and friends)
18tie: 'Windy Archipelago' by Paragon


April 2009


August 2009

10: 'Windig' by Xenon Odyssey

March 2010

10tie: 'Beware the Outer Wall Windmill's Z Blocks (circa 600 A.D.)' by Rhyok

June 2010

12: 'Beaches' by BONKERS

August 2010

Alternate: 'Wind Scene (Past)' by Rayth Xelos

October 2011

9: 'The Wind That Shakes Da Marley' by Hat

April 2012

5: 'Windy' by Hat feat. the KSU Jazz Ensemble

June 2013

16: '600th 600 A.D.' by Juja

September 2014

July 2022

19th 'Whispers of the Wind' by Cyril the Wolf
23rd 'Wind Scene' by Izzy

April 2023

8th: 'Longing of the Wind' by Nemo, Michelle Dreyband

Episodes & Melody

Gekitsui King Contest


力に溺れ 我を失い
悪夢の果てに 何を見るの?

彼の魔を討とうと 全てを投げる
忌み嫌われ 魔王と呼ばれ



力あるもの 彼の元へは


Legend of Renegade Sega Genesis Arrangements

Low-tech Son

Middle Island



OverLooked ReMiX

Personal Remixes



VGMix 1


From: Music (Chrono Trigger)

Transcribed Score by Calldwr
\version "2.20.0"

\paper {
	#(set-paper-size "letter")
	top-margin = 2\cm
	left-margin = 2\cm
	right-margin = 2\cm
	ragged-right = ##t
	tagline = ##f

\header {
	title = "Longing of the Wind"
	composer = "Yasunori Mitsuda"
	arranger = "trans. Ryan Hoopes"

pizzStringsOne = \relative d' {
	% set up bar numbers
	\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #t #t)
	\set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(modulo-bar-number-visible 4 1)
	\time 4/4
	\clef "treble^8"
	\key d \minor
	\partial 2 d''4^"melody has pizz. strings + flute patch" e |
	f8 e c a d4 r8 d | c a f g a4 <g d> | e8 f a c <e c g>4 f | <c g f> r2 e4 |
	f8 e c a d4 r8 d | c a f g a4 <g d> | e8 f a c <e c g> d <c a> d |
	<d a g>4 r2. | \repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

pizzStringsTwo = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef mezzosoprano
	\key d \minor
	\partial 2 r2 | d8 a' e'4 bes,8 f' c'4 | a,8 e' c c' f,, f' e, e' |
	d, a' e'4 g,8 d'4 g8 | c, g' d' f <e c>4 r | d,8 a' e'4 bes,8 f' c'4 |
	a,8 e' c c' f,, f' e, e' | d, a' e'4 g,8 g' a, a' | d, a' e' g <a fis d>4 r |
	\repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

doubleBass = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef "bass_8"
	\key d \minor
	\partial 2 r2 | d,,4 r8 d bes4 r8 bes | a4 c f e | d r8 d g,4 r8 g |
	c4 r8 g c2 | d4 r8 d bes4 r8 bes | a4 c f e | d r8 d g,4 a | d2 r |
	\repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

arcoStringsOne = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef "treble^8"
	\key d \minor
	\partial 2 s2 | \repeat unfold 7 { b''1\rest } | b2\rest d4^"legato" e |
	f8 e c a d4. d8 | c a f g a4 g | e8 f a c e4 f | c2. e4 | f8 e c a d4. d8 |
	c a f g a4 g | e8 f a c e d c d | d2.. a'8 | a2 g4 f | e2 f4 g | e2. c4 |
	a2. c4 | bes2 c4 d | e2 f4 g | e1 | c | a'2 g4 f | e2 f4 g | a2 g4 f |
	e d e f | a2 g4 f | e d cis d | e1~ | \partial 2 e2 \bar ":|."

arcoStringsTwo = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef "treble^8"
	\key d \minor
	\partial 2 cis''2^"on loop"\repeatTie | \repeat unfold 8 { s1 } | f,1 |
	e4 d c cis | c1 | f2 e | f1 | e4 d c cis | c1 | g'2 fis | f' e4 d | c2 d4 e |
	c2. a4 | f e f a | g2 a4 bes | c2 d4 e | c a g a | es f g8 a bes c | f2 e4 d |
	c2 d4 e | f2 e4 d | a2~ a8 g a c | a1 | b1~ | b1 | \partial 2 cis2~ |
	% draw the tie
	\override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = ##(#f #f #f)
	\hideNotes \stopStaff cis4

arcoStringsThree =\relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef treble
	\key d \minor
	\partial 2 cis'2\repeatTie | \repeat unfold 8 { r1 } | c2 d | g,4 bes a2~ |
	a1 | g1 | c2 d | g,4 bes a2~ | a1 | a1 | d8^"non legato" d r d d d r d |
	c c r c c c r c | c c r c c c r c | a a r a a a r a |
	bes bes r bes bes bes r bes | g g r g g g r g | a a r a a a r a |
	a a r a a a r a | d d r d d d r d | c c r c c c r c |
	\repeat unfold 5 { d d r d d d r d } | \partial 2 cis2~ |
	% draw the tie
	\stopStaff \hideNotes cis4

arcoStringsFour = \relative d' {
	\time 4/4
	\clef alto
	\key d \minor
	\partial 2 a2\repeatTie | \repeat unfold 8 { r1 } | d2 bes | a4 c f e |
	d2 g, | c1 | d2 bes | a4 c f e | d2 g,4 a | d1 |
	bes8^"non legato" bes r bes bes bes r bes | bes bes r bes bes bes r bes |
	a a r a a a r a | d d r d d d r d | g, g r g g g r g | c c r c c c r c |
	f, f r f f f r f | f f r f f f r f |
	\repeat unfold 2 { bes bes r bes bes bes r bes } | b b r b b b r b |
	b b r b b b r b | g g r g g g r g | gis gis r gis gis gis r gis |
	a a r a a a r a | \partial 2 a2~ |
	% draw the tie
	\stopStaff \hideNotes a4

perc = \drummode {
	\time 4/4
	\override Score.MetronomeMark.padding = #4
	\tempo 4 = 84
	\partial 2 r2 |
	r4 tamb^\markup { \small \halign #-0.75 tambourine } r wbh^\markup { \small "wood block" } |
	\repeat unfold 6 { r tamb r wbh } | r tamb r2 | \repeat unfold 8 { r1 } |
	r4 wbh^"wood blk." r2 | \repeat unfold 14 { r4 wbh r2 } | \partial 2 r4 wbh

cymbal = \drummode {
	\time 4/4
	% set dynamics above staff
	\partial 2 r2 | \repeat unfold 7 { r1 } | << { s4\< s2\> s4\! } { cymc1 } >> |
	\repeat unfold 23 { r1 } | \partial 2 r2

\score {
		\new ChoirStaff <<
			\new Staff \with {
				instrumentName = \markup {
					\column { pizz. "strings 1" } }
				shortInstrumentName = \markup {
					\column { pizz. "str. 1" } }
				} \pizzStringsOne
			\new Staff \with {
				instrumentName = \markup {
					\column { pizz. "strings 2" } }
				shortInstrumentName = \markup {
					\column { pizz. "str. 2" } }
				} \pizzStringsTwo
		\new StaffGroup \with {
			instrumentName = \markup {
				\column { arco strings } }
			shortInstrumentName = \markup {
				\column { arco str. } }
					\new Staff <<
					\new Staff \arcoStringsThree
					\new Staff \arcoStringsFour
		\new Staff \with {
			instrumentName = \markup {
				\column { pizz. double bass } }
			shortInstrumentName = \markup {
				\column { dbl. bass } }
			} \doubleBass
		\new DrumStaff \with {
			instrumentName = "percussion"
			shortInstrumentName = "perc."
			} \perc
		\new DrumStaff \with {
			instrumentName = \markup {
				\column { crash cymbal } }
			shortInstrumentName = "cymb."
			} \cymbal
	\layout {
		\context {
	\midi { }