Robin Bow

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Revision as of 16:22, 14 February 2005 by Sir Slush (Talk | contribs)

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General Information

Chrono Trigger

Used by: Marle
Type: Bow
Attack: 25
Stat Increase: 17
Base Critical Hit Rate: 20%
Sell: 1425g

How to obtain:
Melchior's Hut - 2850g.

Name Origin

'Robin' is the name for a type of North American songbird, and when applied to a bow, can signify grace, speed, and other airy attributes associated to birds.

Oswego del Fuego: "Robin Bow" could also be an allusion to Robin Hood, who fought on behalf of the common man with a bow and arrows.



Robin Bow

Thanks to CuteLucca

From: Weapons (Chrono Trigger)