Dimensional Split (Timing of)
In Viper Manor, Belthasar declares that the split of the dimensions happened ten years ago.
Prophet: Serge... This world is not the world you grew up in. 10 years ago, something happened that put your very soul teetering on the balancing scales of fate... with a fifty-fifty chance of life or death! This is when your future was split in twain. Prophet: In your home world, you survived to live a happy and prosperous life. That is how you made it to the present point in time. However, here in this '"alternate"' world, you are, in fact, very dead and buried. You died 10 years ago, but this world's time line has flowed on regardless. You have no place in this world... Here, you are but a ghost brought back from the past! Prophet: I do not know what happened 10 years ago... Nor can I guess what triggered your entrance into this world.
Later, Lucca alleges that it occurred in 1006 A.D. when Serge was injured and Schala reached out across time.
As Schala fell through the time gate in this condition, she heard your crying echoing through time... That is when her story and yours began to intertwine... It is also when the past and the future began to intersect, and when the world became divided into two... Led by the pitiful crying the young Serge made as the panther demon's poison took hold of him... Princess Schala traveled ten thousand years in time to try and make contact with this dimension!
Which account is correct? Is Belthasar lying? He obviously is faking it when he notes that he does not know what happened ten years ago; could he be misguiding Serge in preparation for the real truth as delivered by Lucca? Did it happen even earlier?
1010 A.D. Support
The 1010 A.D. timing was originally chosen by the Chrono Compendium for sheer weight of evidence. This is when Kid rescues Serge from Lynx and his life truly diverges from the past. This is the date several people in the game allude to as the point at which their lives diverge (such as Mojo and the Arni fisherman each). Miguel states that the Dead Sea was formed in 1010 A.D., which is consistent with the repercussions of splitting the world in twain with the consequences of Home World's future being fated to an apocalypse. Crono even suggests it at the same point in the game with Lucca by noting that the false reality of Serge's living stemmed from ten years ago:
[Crono] Where even angels lose their way... Ten years ago, you died at this very spot. There's no mistake. You drowned. The truth is, this world, in which you are still alive, is the irregularity... This is the false reality!
Also, we know that Kid is sent to the world by Schala as her mind tottered on the brink of being completely consumed by hatred. If the split occurred before 1004 A.D., two Darkness Beyond Times would have to exist for two copies of Kid to be sent to each dimension. This is a strange and troubling possibility, and this would mean there are two Time Devourers (with only one defeated), something we know to be false by ostensible game presentation at the nature of Time Error regions. However, this problem does not occur if it happens after 1004 A.D. If the split is truly retroactive (going backward as well as forward), problems for Chronopolis arise as well. Chronopolis came from a future in which the split hadn't happened; if it traveled back in time to 12000 B.C. with two dimensions, one of them (presumably Home) would never receive Chronopolis, and we know this to be false.
Plot Inconsistency
What causes the plot hole and flies in the face of all 1010 A.D. evidence is the statement by Chronopolis researchers that World 01 existed before this date.
An instruction to the young girl in Arni 01 to give up going to the main continent as a poet. An instruction to the man in Arni 02 to give up becoming a fisherman. A plan to avoid any point of contact with the main continent, so as not to affect history. However... Ever since the formation of the Dead Sea 10 years ago... FATE has been unable to intervene directly with World 01. The best FATE could do was cross the dimension and receive data through the Records of Fate. And with much difficulty, FATE succeeded in binding Miguel to the Dead Sea as a watchman...
Chronopolis even seems built in mind with watching a second dimension. This completely shatters the internal logic of having the split in 1010 A.D. by establishing that Home World existed before the split. It directly contradicts everything, including Crono's statement and all supporting evidence that a new reality -- an irregular one -- was created when Serge lived.
From: Plot Inconsistencies