Nu (Monsters)
From Chrono Compendium
General Information
Note: For biographical information, see Nu.
There are two Nu monsters used in the game. The second is used in the six Nu fight. It is monster index 83. The pattern of Nu is as follows.
00 83 00 83 00 83
00 is the standard Nu Monster. 83 does an attack with a minimum damage of 1. Most of their stats are identical.
Chrono Trigger
Era: 65000000 B.C. 12000 B.C.
Home Area: Hunting Range, Enhasa
Level: 1
Attacks: Head Butt / Damage 1 (Nu 83), Head Butt / HP to 1
Charm: Mop (Nu 00)
Item Won: Third Eye (once in the Hunting Range)
HP: 1234
Attack: 1
Defense: 127
Magic: 10, 1 (Nu 83)
Magic Defense: 50
Speed: 1
Stamina: 10
Evade: 10
Hit: 100
TP: 15 (Nu 00)
Exp: 124 (Nu 00)
Gold: 0
Absorbs: None
Cancels: None
Weakness: None