CT Manga
Translation thanks to Lina Darkstar. This manga was featured in Chrono Trigger: The Perfect.
Do your best, Crono!
Crono: HA!!
Lucca: !!!
Inset: Kaneko Osamu (the author's name)
Lucca: You IDIOT~~! Lay OFF a little!!!
Lucca: ...jeez! And to think the Millenial Fair's tomorrow...
Crono: If it's that weak it's worthless even for display!
Crono: After this, I wonder how your NEW invention measures up.
<vein pops out on Lucca's forehead>
fx:WHOOSHCrono: Oh!?
Lucca: You say that after you've seen it.
THAT thing is absolutely awesome!
Crono: Uh-huh.
Crono: What the heck did you make, anyway?
Lucca: No, no, that's a secret! You'll see it tomorrow, after all.
Lucca: You better come see it---!
Crono: Sure thing---!
Crono: A thousand years since the kingdom's founding, huh...!
Crono: I wonder what it was like, a thousand years ago---
I get kind of excited thinking about it---
Crono: Allriiight~! Hurry up and get here, tomorrow---!!
Crono's Mom: Hurry up and SLEEP!!