Utilities (Chrono Trigger)

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Utilities are listed in order of updates, with Temporal Flux precluding all other entries. Additionally, a tag denoting what type of ROM the utility is compatible with is included.

Temporal Flux

Author: Geiger
Rom Type: Unheadered

Temporal Flux aims to become the ultimate Chrono Trigger editor. As of version 2.0, it can edit nearly every Location, Overworld, and Event setting, as well as perform a variety of other features.


Chrono Tweaker

Author: Chickenlump
Rom Type: Headered

Chrono Tweaker is a project by Chickenlump to do all sorts of things, including editing sprite assembly and palette pointers. It can also edit data for weapons, armor, and other items.


Chrono Trigger Editing Companion

Author: BlitzKrieg
Rom Type: Unheadered

Chrono Trigger Editing Companion can edit Item, Enemy, Playable Character, and other stats. It was designed as a companion for Temporal Flux until Geiger added these features to that program.


Chrono Trigger Shop Editor

Author: 'Frieza
Rom Type: Headered

This utility allows changing what items are sold in the various shops around the game. It took three days to make in 2001. Some stores are still marked Unknown, unfortunately.


Other Utilities

These programs weren't designed with Chrono Trigger specifically in mind, but they are vital to editing and offer more options to rom hackers. They are listed alphabetically.


Author: Irfan Skiljan

Irfanview is a lightweight image editor that is very easy to use. However, if you have your own and are experienced with it, disregard this.



Author: Yousei

SNESPal can search and edit palettes in roms.



Author: SnowBro

Tile Molester is a multi-format, user-extensible graphics data editor that lets you create, view and edit graphics in arbitrary binary files, with a particular focus on binaries for game consoles. The program is written entirely in Java, so it can be run on any platform that has a Java Runtime Environment installed. See the Documentation for more information. The full source code is also available under the GNU Public License.

Download TileMolester

Download Java Runtimes (Get the JRE package)

From: Modification (Chrono Trigger)