Theory (People)
From Chrono Compendium
- End of Time (Who are the people Gaspar refers to as having "stumbled" to the End of Time prior to Crono's arrival?)
- Entity (Why couldn't it just get rid of Lavos itself?)
- Kino (Where did he come from, and how?)
- Lavos (Is Lavos sentient?)
- Leah (Where did she come from, and how?)
- Miguel (Could he be Crono in disguise?)
- Norstein Bekkler (Who is he?)
- Orlha (What is her relation to Tia?)
- Prerelease Overworld Sprite (Who is this extra person?)
- Schala (Why did her appearance change after she connected with the Time Devourer?)
- Starky (What is his mission on the planet?)
- Vera (Who is she, and what are her motivations?)
From: Theory