Chrono Break Request Form
General Information
Want to see Chrono Break debut someday? Then take action! Since petitions are cumbersome and provoke a negative image of fans, the best way to secure a new game is to write Square-Enix and let them know you'd buy it. You have several options at your disposal. To have maximum effect, you should send one-email and one real letter to Square-Enix of America, and also one e-mail and letter to Square-Enix of Japan. Read below for methods and sample letters. Remember that writing a physical letter is much more effective than sending an e-mail. A letter adds sincerity to your request and also is a physical object that can't simply be deleted. Also, remember that Square-Enix USA has considerably less power in making a decision over a new game than its Japanese counterpart. Pay the price of international postage and send one of our Japanese sample letters to Square-Enix Japan! Postal workers will help you get everything right. Above all else, if you write your own messages, remember that the best way to request a new Chrono game is to do so in a civil, respectful manner. "HEY YOU SUPID IDIOTS < WHERE IS THE NEW EGAME>..U RE PAASSIN UP A BIG OPPORTNTIY" will not get us a new Chrono game.
A huge thank-you goes to Kian Morris and a translator friend who helped with the Japanese.
E-Mail (USA)
SquareEnix has a Live Support feature on their website, which allows users to send an e-mail to an operator. It is located on this page. Additionally, SquareEnix lists a method of e-mail and snail mail in its privacy policy:
Here are some sample e-mails. Take your pick and fire away! Please don't spam them with one e-mail address.
Title: New Chrono game!
Hi, I'm a fan of Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross writing in to ask about a new Chrono game. I'd love to see the series continued and would preorder it. I can't wait until we get something new! Thanks.
Title: Chrono series games
I have played the Chrono games and would very much like to see a new title or maybe a remake. I really hope Square-Enix puts out something great for this series. Thank you.
Title: new chrono game?
Hey, is there any news on a new Chrono series game? I've been waiting a long time. I'd scoop up anything! Maybe something like a handheld port would be cool. Well, seeya.
Letter (USA)
Writing letters is even more effective than sending e-mails, so take the time to compose one and fire it away at your local post office. Remember that SE USA has less influence in deciding new games than SE Japan, so take the time to send one to Japan as well. Here is the US address:
Square Enix, Inc. 6060 Center Drive, Suite 100 Los Angeles, CA 90045
Here are two sample letters you can send to them.
Dear Square-Enix,
I am a fan of the Chrono series, which includes the games Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. I very much enjoyed these titles, and am part of a large community of fans who share in my experiences. I am writing you to express my desire for a new Chrono game, and my full support in purchasing a new title. The series is unique, engaging, and very fun, and I would be overjoyed to see a new addition to its already outstanding lineup of games.
Dear Square-Enix,
I played the games Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross a few years ago, and would love to see a new Chrono game come out. Is anything in development, or is there any news about a new title? I can't wait to play a new entry in the franchise. Thanks.
E-mail (Japan)
The Japanese website does not list an e-mail directly, but based on an e-mail test, it seems things sent to any e-mail with their basic URL in the title will get to them eventually. If you can find a real support e-mail on their website however, please let us know. For now, use this:
For sample e-mails, use the sample Japanese letters below.
Letter (Japan)
Here is the international address of Square-Enix's headquarters in Japan. Just write this on the envelope like you would any other address, but make sure to put "USA" beneath your return address. For postage, simply take the envelope to your local post office during their working hours, and a postal employee will put international postage on it for you (for the price of postage, of course).
SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. Shinjuku Bunka Quint Bldg. 3-22-7 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-8544, Japan
Here are sample letters. Please omit the (Subject) tag, and be sure to fill your name in the underscores provided (while removing the (Name) tag after you do so). Again, thanks to Kian Morris and the translator friend. The first letter is a direct request for a new game. The second asks for a new game and a port of an old one to a handheld device. The third specifically asks for some kind of Chrono Trigger port or remake. Pick your poison!
(Subject) 新しいクロノシリーズ作成のお願い。
拝啓 スクエア・エニックス(Square Enix)様
(Subject) クロノ・トリガー、英語圏のファン一同からのお願い。
拝啓 スクエア・エニックス(Square Enix)様
No.03 英語圏一同からの、クロノ・トリガーのリメイクのお願い。
拝啓 スクエア・エニックス(Square Enix)様
In conclusion, remember what Lucca said on Opassa Beach:
The Time Egg... The ancient sage, Gasper, once called it the Chrono Trigger, you know!? Each of us allows our feelings to be a trigger... Letting them loose changes our world, time, and history!
We can all function as one Chrono Trigger, and bring a new game into the world. Now, let's get to it! And good luck dropping SE a line.
From: Chrono Break