General Information
Chrono Cross
Innate: Yellow
Found: Earth Dragon Isle (Home)
HP: 13000
Attack: 140
Magic: 30
Defense: 95
Magic Defense: 28
Common Drop: Sunglasses
Rare Drop: Denadorite
Common Steal: Rainbow Shell
Rare Steal: None
Gold: 2500g
Doppelgang: No
To answer the riddles of the Criosphinx, use an Element corresponding to the color he described. You can defeat him easily if you have a Yellow Plate.
Japanese Equivalent
Translation: Ginger X
Name Origin
Based off the Sphinx of Giza, which guards the gates to the city, and asks a famous riddle: What walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three at night (mankind)", and tears to shreds those who cannot answer. Oedipus correctly answered the question, prompting the sphinx to kill itself. Crio means 'I create' in Portoguese.
From: Monsters (Chrono Cross)