Leah (Origin of)
Leah's origin is a mystery; she is an Early Human found in Gaea's Navel by Serge, and states that she faced "land-anger" before finding herself in that place. She notes that she came from a village. After the Time Devourer is defeated, she states that she will return home and name her daughter Ayla someday. What is Leah's origin?
Mystic Mts Gate
Leah most likely slipped into a strange Gate or temporal distortion in the years before 65000000 B.C. The veracity of her status as Ayla's mother is debatable, but it is possible that Mystic Mts of prehistory was temporally active (Kino also strangely appeared there one day; in his case, he could have simply fallen into some kind of distortion in another period of prehistory). The Gate took her to Gaea's Navel (which existed even before Chronopolis terraformed El Nido, which provides for her ability to return and mother Ayla before El Nido would have been created). After Chrono Cross, she presumably returned to her home time, but this would require a Gate on Gaea's Navel, a claim which cannot be verified.
The only problem is that if Leah were to travel to the future, Ayla would never be born and the world's history could change drastically. However, since Leah persumably went back and birthed Ayla long before the events of Chrono Trigger or Chrono Cross, she would be protected by Time Traveler's Immunity.
From: Theory (People)