1005 A.D.

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Keystone T-1

*The Kingdom of Guardia probably falls to Porre.
*The Masamune is presumably stolen.

Keystone T-2

*The Kingdom of Guardia violently falls to Porre.
*The Acacia Dragoons may have taken part in the battle, as activity on the
'mainland' is alluded to in this year by Radius.
*The Masamune is stolen and used in combat; it is covered in blood, possibly
corrupting it as Masa and Mune are asleep.
-Radius and Garai locate the Masamune in an unknown location.
-Radius kills Garai with the Masamune (it is believed to have occurred in
1005 A.D. since Radius alludes to the last time  Zappa, Garai, and Radius
tearing up the battlefield as fifteen years ago).
-Radius lays Garai to rest at the Isle of the Damned. 

From: Chronology