Lithosphere Investigation Report 27 (Origin of)
While traveling through the Dead Sea, the party can access a computer displaying Lavos's apocalypse. The picture is dated 2300 A.D. and shows fire raining upon the cities. What is its origin?
Fundamental Access
This theory requires that the Dead Sea be frozen in 2300 A.D. It holds that the Report is simply reporting the date it is accessed when it displays '2300 A.D.' as a header.
Fundamental Access Theory: Belthasar Clause
Since the world is ruined in 2300 A.D., Belthasar would probably find a time similar to the 2300 A.D. of Chrono Trigger. LIR #27 may simply be a slice of his own research.
Day of Lavos Recording
It may be the video that spurred Crono to save the world, considering it visually displays destruction raining from the heavens by the power of Lavos. Refutation comes in the two arguments that the differences between the two reports nullify this notion and that the Arris Dome seemingly only contained the report; however, the Arris Dome did support towers, and it may be buried under the frozen waves that the tower containing the report lies in.
From: Theory (Plot and Other)