AEHU/Plot/Plot Sketch Chapter 15
From Chrono Compendium
"Intermission III"
- AI FATE seizes historical records again and Robo goes through another ROM switch to investigate, from LoROM to HiROM. Now FATE causes worker robots throughout Chronopolis to go haywire as soon as Robo enters the VRAM decryption code, so Robo puts the raving machines down.
- After the raving machines have been dispatched Robo hops into the Virtual World of FATE's VRAM and communicates with FATE directly. FATE is miffed that Robo is eavesdropping on it and they have some thematic discussion. Robo gains access to FATE's VRAM against FATE's wishes and once again reproduces what lies within for Belthasar and Ashtear.