Chrono Cross Relative Alphabet

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General Information

Chrono Cross

HUGELY important for a variety of things. While some games conveniently use a straight ASCII scheme for storing English letters, Cross (mostly) uses a "relative alphabet" -- one in which a hexadecimal index is assigned to a specific character, enabling the game to store English alphabet entries as well as thingies like the yin/yang element symbol. Tech names and descriptions are stored in the game executable in this format. For example, if you wanted to find Serge's default name in a hex editor ("Serge"), you'd run a search on 0x 44 50 5D 52 50. Voila!

(Note: the relative alphabet used by the Japanese version was completely different and does not follow the tables below.)


Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex
A 32 a 4C N 3F n 59
B 33 b 4D O 40 o 5A
C 34 c 4E P 41 p 5B
D 35 d 4F Q 42 q 5C
E 36 e 50 R 43 r 5D
F 37 f 51 S 44 s 5E
G 38 g 52 T 45 t 5F
H 39 h 53 U 46 u 60
I 3A i 54 V 47 v 61
J 3B j 55 W 48 w 62
K 3C k 56 X 49 x 63
L 3D l 57 Y 4A y 64
M 3E m 58 Z 4B z 65


Char Hex Char Hex
0 28 5 2D
1 29 6 2E
2 2A 7 2F
3 2B 8 30
4 2C 9 31

Punctuation and Symbols

Char Hex Char Hex Char Hex
_ 20 | 66  ? 6E
( 21 ! 67 _ 6F
) 22 " 68 [ 70
- 23 $ 69 ] 71
, 24  % 6A . 72
+ 25 & 6B ' 73
. 26 * 6C # 74
/ 27  : 6D

From: Script.cpt