From Chrono Compendium
Revision as of 04:25, 28 May 2004 by (Talk)
[Truce Market, 1000 A.D.]
[Poyozo Doll]
Visit our stall in Leene Square!
[Mayor's Manor, Truce, 1000 A.D.]
Hi! Do you know about our establishment? No. Yes.
This is the Mayor's Education Center. Think of it as a workshop for beginners!
You can take the things you find here!
[Young Woman]
Need a brief Weapons and Items seminar? Yes. No.
Weapons include swords, bows, and guns.
Some weapons can only be used by specific party members.
You'll find a variety of armor for the head and body.
Finally, there are numerous accessories with unique properties and effects.
As you gain Power, swords will inflict greater damage. Bows and guns get more powerful as your Hit rate increases.
[Young Man]
Scattered throughout this world are places where you can save your game. Save whenever you can, especially in unfamiliar or dangerous areas!
That's just a replica. Record your journey whenever you find the real McCoy!
You'll find more of them in riskier areas.
Also, remember that you can log in anywhere on the World Map!
[Little Boy]
You can walk while reading messages. But go too far, and you can miss them!
[Little Girl]
Use the Y Button to move the Message/Battle window up or down.
[Old Woman]
Do you know about «Shelters?» They're quite useful! Yes. No.
Use «Shelters» at Save Points, or on the World Map, to completely restore HP and MP.
All right, I'll teach you about skills. Are you willing to learn? Yes. No.