I think I may understand the sprite assembly data.
00 00 for example, loads tile 00, which in Chrono's sprites is the blank tile marked 00 in the attached image. 01 00 loads Crono's left (from his perspective) side of his hair. 10 00 loads the right side of his face. 11 00 loads the other side of his face, marked 11. Hopefully this is enough to establish in your mind the pattern of what tiles are loaded with what hex. The last 8 bytes of sprite assembly are divided into four groups of two, each group determining the X and Y position of (presumedly) four loaded tiles.
Revision Edit-The first 16 bytes load 8 tiles. In groups of 2, these are the the first rows of each four-tile group. The next 16 bytes are much the same, except they load the second row of their group.
The first four bytes load up the top two tiles for group 1, the next four bytes load up for group 2, and so on.
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