Several days ago, I was doing some MML imports into RS3 with RS3Extool to see where it would write to. This led to me noticing an area of data and searching for the equivalent in CT. That data is called "drum-set" by Japanese RS3 documents and is at 071871 in the US version.
The drum set data is 0x24 bytes per song.
Other things, from a RS3 document about some of the games RS3Extool can export from:
0x070BA4 position for the start of the loop waveform
0x070C9B pitch waveform correction (Is this correct?)
ADSR 0x070C9C waveform
I think these are in the same place in the US version.
Edit- Here's a MIDI conversion attempt from July of DanceMasterGlenn's song.
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