Hello Chrono Compendium community!
This is my first port out there. I'm announcing that I started working on putting back into US Rom the Retranslation found on this site.
For this, I used the excellent ChronoTools by Bisqwit. I think this is the better tool than Temporal Flux for this translation because it is optimised and though for translation of Chrono Trigger. Also it support neat stuff like automatic wrapping of text, which is very useful to a lazy person like me and also to work faster.
I have uploaded on my website my current progress. I wanted to show up early to get attention from the communauty.
Chrono Trigger English Retranslation 2007/05/20ProgressImporting script progress:
26/26 - DONE!!
Review and harmonisation progress:
0/25 - 0%
- Check why the generated IPS file doesn't apply with a standard IPS patcher. It only works with ZSNES auto-patching feature
- Reinsert the ending image from Japanese ROM (Require ASM hack)
- Rename era names in Epoch's Time Gauge screen
- Change Lighthing->Sky/Heaven and Shadow->Dark elemental image
- It would be nice to add retranslaters in Developer's Room (Require Data/ASM Hack)
- Japanese ROM display techs that make a Double or Triple Tech, it would be nice to add it to the Retranslation ROM (Require ASM Hack)
Some notes:
- Some text block are mispointed, the relocation algorithm isn't perfect. I'll contact bisqwit about this issue
- All non-dialog text in retranslated, and using the VWF8 code by Bisqwit to support more than 10 characters.
- The retranslation script is really raw and will need a complete review to have a better harmonisation of the script. In some place I have done some but first I prefer to insert much text as possible from the retranslation.
- I found out that Ted Woolsey liked a lit expressive sentences. A lot of dialog end up with a exclamative point !
I have no problems if people want to help me with the script, this is really a time consuming process. As for my competences, I am a fully skilled C++ developer(I'm a
KDE developer by trade) so I can hack on Chrono Tools to adapt it to our needs. I know nothing about 65816 assembly programming but I have done some English->French ROM translation in the past so I'm aware of the duty of a ROM hacker.
If you want to contact me, just look at my profile.