Yeah, the UV map with CLUT didn't turn out as well as I'd hoped. I guess we should go with the previous version then, since we know it maps Serge's belt buckle the same way it's done in-game as far as I can tell. Thanks for checking that.
Ahahaha! Now I know how to work with signed hex! Thanks Luminaire!
Wow, nice job getting the number of unique vertices. Soo, I imagine it's possible there's 704 vertex entries in Section 1-3, or whichever section is the vertex pool. That's something we can check out as well.
Followup Questions: Hey Luminaire, how exactly did you detect the presence of triangle UV maps among the quads in Serge's Section 1-2? I'd always gone by the "FF" byte pattern (since I had thought those occurred only in the non-UV vertex pointers), but is there a better (i.e., more accurate) technique seeing as FF bytes appear to be in the "V" position of some UV map coordinates?
Cyb and Halkun, were there vertex indexes similar to these in Final Fantasy VII? Now that we have a count of polygons (276 triangles, 394 quads, and therefore 670 polygons) and vertices (828 + 1576 = 2400 vertices in the UV maps altogether, with 704 unique - possibly), how do we go about comparing our suspected vertex pool, Section 1-3, to this information?
I suppose one possible next step would be to look for headers containing values like:
276 = 0x0114 or 14 01 in Little Endian
(And since the triangles are split up, the corresponding values for 264 and 12)
394 = 0x018A or 8A 01 in Little Endian
670 = 0x029E or 9E 02 in Little Endian
828 = 0x033C or 3C 03 in Little Endian
(Not sure if the triangle split up would force smaller separate listings of vertices here)
1576 = 0x0628 or 28 06 in Little Endian
2400 = 0x0960 or 60 09 in Little Endian
704 = 0x02C0 or C0 02 in Little Endian
I don't remember seeing any sort of header in Section 1-3; I think the data starts right into the byte-progression pattern we noted a while ago. I'll dig up a few posts relevant to that:
An early report on the subject of Section 1-3,4770.msg84065/topicseen.html#msg84065Cyb's observation -- possibly a vertex pool,4770.msg84084/topicseen.html#msg84084A followup citing an oddity within Section 1-3,4770.msg84094/topicseen.html#msg84094Hahaha, one more question: I have an idea for another experiment, but I need a bit of theoretical guidance first. Provided we've got a vertex pool, if I were to zero out an entire vertex's info in the pool, what would probably happen to its associated polygon? Would the polygon not draw at all, or would the GTE/GPU attempt to draw a triangle where a quad would be, and a line where a triangle would be? I was thinking we could wipe out a vertex or perhaps an entire polygon, trace its location back to its UV map based on Luminaire's mapped texture, and that way figure out how the non-UV data addresses point to the vertex pool.