Author Topic: Google Trends: Chrono, Kurono, クロノ  (Read 1104 times)


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Google Trends: Chrono, Kurono, クロノ
« on: March 02, 2008, 07:50:26 am »
Quote from: ZeaLitY
Now, some disconcerting news. Check out the Google Trends comparison for "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross" by clicking here. See what's happening? Independent interest seems to be cooling off, save for the spike attributable to the Retranslation. I have no doubt that the Chrono Cross Exploration Project will cause a slight resurgence, as well as the continued work on fan projects.

Well, once I saw that, I had to mess around w/the Trends feature...Putting in Radical Dreamers, Chrono Break, Chrono Brake, & Kurono Toriga were all negligible to non-existent. So I decided to try out the kanji itself to see how interest was over in Japan...

"クロノ・トリガー" (Chrono Trigger), "ラジカル" (Radical Dreamers) & "クロノ・クロス" (Chrono Cross) Results

I couldn't find anything for "クロノ ブレイク" (Chrono Break) though...But it is interesting how high Radical Dreamers seems to be...Also, I wonder what all of those spikes for it are from...and the resurge in interest for both it and Chrono Cross in 2006~2007...I think this perhaps shows more hope for the series than the English trends...& perhaps also more importance for a long-awaited, long-overdue sequel (/remake)...?


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Re: Google Trends: Chrono, Kurono, クロノ
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2008, 03:06:13 pm »
Yeah, I wonder why Cross was apparently zero those years.


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Re: Google Trends: Chrono, Kurono, クロノ
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2008, 08:07:07 pm »
I tried my heart out searching through a few Japanese sites trying to find some link, but to no avail (someone else can try that path if they want)...So, instead I just hit up the Google News section for August 2006 (the time in which the first Chrono Cross spike seems to occur)...

The main thing coming from Square-Enix at that time was the launch of the FFIII DS remake and also news about them licensing the Unreal Engine 3...which made me think...didn't one of the CT fan remakes use a version of the Unreal Engine?

The second, longer running spike, or increase in interest occurs around November...which would make it 5 years after the the month of it's Japanese release (August was it's NA release, though that would only be 4 years...coincidence?)...

Looking at the last 12 months, it looks like Radical Dreamers had a fairly large spike there (surpassing Chrono Trigger) at the end of we know the month of which it was first available for download? I couldn't find that information...

RD also had it's first spike in September of 2004 where it ALSO beat out Chrono Trigger...Hmm...

I have NO IDEA why Koga & Tsukuba both have such large interest in pretty much ONLY Radical Dreamers...>_> Koga accounts for what looks like 5x what any of the others are putting out (outside of Tsukuba, which has about double)...What's so special about those places?

Also, just for kicks, I decided to see how the series does comparative to the two Square-Enix juggernauts "ファイナルファンタジー" (Final Fantasy) & "ドラゴンクエスト" (Dragon Quest). Here are the results. As you can see, none of the Chrono series is even close to either of them. >_>
« Last Edit: March 03, 2008, 01:15:47 am by V_Translanka »


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Re: Google Trends: Chrono, Kurono, クロノ
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2008, 01:27:35 am »
Also, just for kicks, I decided to see how the series does comparative to the two Square-Enix juggernauts "ファイナルファンタジー" (Final Fantasy) & "ドラゴンクエスト" (Dragon Quest). Here are the results. As you can see, none of the Chrono series is even close to either of them. >_>

The English counterpart is no surprise really, although I thought Dragon Quest would be higher. For shame.