So, this is what I posted on October 1st here...

And this is what I look like now!

No, I don't have cancer, nor did I shave my head. I have drug-induced alopecia (a technical term that means hair loss caused by medication). It's been falling out for a few months now, but it shifted into high gear recently, and now I'm bald! (You can Google drug-induced alopecia if you want more info, I don't want to spend pages talking about it here). My doctor says it's pretty uncommon for someone to lose all their scalp hair on medication that is not chemotherapy-like, but it does sometimes happen. So folks, when your next prescription lists some "extremely rare" side effects, pay attention!
Since this picture was taken (Thursday night, I think), I've lost some eyebrow hair, eyelashes... even nose hairs! (They keep making me have to sneeze!). Time will tell if I lose all my body hair, but I'm not too worried. The good thing about this being caused my medicine is that it'll grow back. (And also, as someone has already pointed out to me, I can pretend to be an edgy hipster for a while!)

Otherwise, I think I look awesome bald. Also, I now know what snow feels like when it falls on a bare scalp. Wow! And I'm not looking for sympathy, either. While I miss having my long, thick red hair, I think this will be quite an interesting experience!
The only downside: It is
cold. I mean, really. I've had a thick mop of red hair covering my head for all my life. Now there's nothing there to keep my head warm without a hat! Brr! I even have to sleep with a beanie on!
But, on a more serious note, now you know there is something called alopecia. It's typically an autoimmune disorder, and some of those afflicted with it might go the rest of their lives without hair (their immune system attacks the hair follicles). Mine is only temporary. Theirs may be a lifelong struggle. Hair is more than cosmetic. Eyelashes help keep things out of your eyes, and nose hairs help keep things out of your body. So the next time you see a hairless person, before you make a judgement on them, please keep in mind that they might not look that way by choice.