Author Topic: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)  (Read 5503 times)


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Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« on: January 11, 2009, 08:04:12 am »

Author Forward:

This is a fanwork in progress.  Right now I'm presenting it in script form, writing it as a proposed game, rather than a simple fanfic.  The story will follow a new adventure of Kid (Schala) following in Chrono Cross's footsteps.

As such, this work will contain spoilers for all other games in the series, including the DS remake.  There are also some references to Radical Dreamers within, so if you haven't played through it, I highly reccommend finding a ROM and using Demiforce's latest English patch.

Finally, I'll remind everyone that this is a work in progress.  Please notify me of any grammar, punctuation, spelling, continuity, or readability errors you may find.  Positive feedback will be welcomed with cookies, constructive criticism will be recieved with an open minded nod, and arguments over which theoretical endings from Chrono Cross I should be using as canon for this story will be met with a "NO U" reply.

Without further ado, I present draft one of the introduction scene to Chrono Breaker.

Scene 1

Open in a public library, mostly empty with only a few inhabitants lost in their own literary worlds.  Dust hangs heavy in the room, as beams of sunlight cut through it, providing the only illumination for the readers within.

We focus on one person in particular.  A blonde girl in her late teens, her hair done in a long braid adorned with red ribbons, clad in rough travelling clothes.  Resting against the side of her chair we see a large leather container, and propped up in front of her is a monstrously thick book entitled "World History Vol. 6: 501 A.D - 1500 A.D"

As we focus in on her, a reading of an unseen journal is heard in a woman's voice, and written on the screen.

"Day 1:

It's been one year since then.  We had gone through so much together, and so much changed in the end.  Even though it seemed he wouldn't remember any of it, I didn't care.  I found someone special in him.  Something inside him that I knew wouldn't change, even if the time we spent together was erased.

One year, and no luck finding him.  I searched El Nido and all of Zenan for him.  Our former companions, who also forgot the journey we went through, had no recollections of him of course.  Only that girl, Leena.

She told me he had changed after that day on the beach, and left Arni in search of something.  I only wish I knew where, or when..."

We cut to the girl's face, her eyes intently passing over pages in the history book as she turns them.

"But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Never really kept a journal before this one, so I'm not even sure how to begin.  Maybe in another life, another dimension, I would have a knack for writing something someone would want to read later on.  Oh well, work with what you're given.

To begin, my name is Kid.  Schala "Kid" Zeal to be long-winded about it.

I was born in 12,016 B.C, a time known by modern scholars as 'Antiquity'.  My parents were the King and Queen of the magical kingdom that ruled there.  Life was good in those days, but mankind was as ignorant of their surroundings as they ever would be.  We had a source of power there, a magical energy that granted many great things.  We eventually learned that the center of that power lay within a creature known since ancient times as Lavos, who lay dormant within the earth.

When I was about 15, my father passed away.  My brother Janus and I helped each other through the pain of loss, but our mother grew distant from us.  Instead, in her grief, she turned to Lavos.  Breaking stride with the path the kingdom had taken so far, she made developing raw magical power the number one goal.  Getting closer and closer to Lavos with every passing day.  Janus saw her ambitions clearly for what they were, madness.  She was no longer the loving parent we grew up with.  Every passing day I regret not standing against her, and not depending on my own strength."

Kid closes the book and slides out of her chair, heading towards a bookshelf with the large volume in her arms.

"Needless to say, the power of Lavos brought the ruin of the kingdom, and what I distinctly remember as the end of my life.  It wasn't death, so to speak, but something probably worse looking back.  I was outside of everything, and with it all at the same time.  Caught between existing and not existing, and in that void I was combining with that creature, Lavos.  Any memories of that time I'd rather not recall vividly.  All I know is that I turned my back on everything.  My brother, my life, and the world.

But somehow, through all that, I found him.  I heard him crying out, and something about him made me want to exist again, and be with him.  I can't remember anything of that life for a while after that though.  All I know is that this was around the time when I would be born again."

As she places the sixth volume back on its shelf, Kid grabs the next volume in the World History series, 'Vol. 7: 1501 A.D - 1998 A.D'

"My second life began in 1004 A.D.  A clone of my other self I had created in hopes of reaching him.  I was found by a woman named Lucca.  She raised me up, along with several other kids who had lost their parents, mostly in some war that had been going on.  She was a great person to live with, and I was proud to call her my big sister...

It's hard to remember the rest now though.  Part of me remembers living there, happily growing up with all the kids and listening to Lucca spin her stories of adventure, while another part remembers all happiness being ripped away."

Kid sets the book on the table with a large audible thud, echoing through the library.  A stern man behind a desk glances up momentarily at the noise, and shakes his head with dissapproval as he returns to his work.  Kid takes her seat, and begins scanning this volume through.

"I remember a fire, and a man named Lynx taking Lucca away from me.  I remember hating that bastard with every fiber of my being.  I remember that taking his head became the sole purpose of my life for a long time.

Then I remember him.  Serge.  At first glance I liked him, and helped him at my first opportunity.  Maybe some part of my other life had meant for me to find him.  My own goals seemed to give way to his as we travelled together, searching for the solution to the puzzle of his life.  Split dimensions, ironically caused by me.  I think I wound up travelling with him many times, in many lives, but none of those travels seemed to end happily, until he found the original me.

Jeeze this is confusing to write down.  To explain it better, Serge found his way to my first self, born in Zeal, and trapped beyond time.  I was beyond consciousness by that point, and Lavos had full control over my actions.  Until Serge played a song.

Silly that of all things to stop me from becoming the most terrible monster ever to exist, something as simple as a song would do the trick.  It was familiar.  Not of my life as Schala, or my life as Kid, but I knew that song.  The dimensions had been torn down to ribbons by that time, so maybe it was from just one of those strands that I picked it up.

Anyways, the song awakened me.  I knew where I was, who I was, and who had played the song for me, all in an instant.  Strangly enough, it's the first vivid memory that I can produce since I lost my will at fall of Zeal.  At that point I took control of my life for the first time ever, and severed myself from Lavos.

I'd hoped to set things right, right then and there.  I just don't know what went wrong.  I set the clock back, merging all the dimensions that I'd split when trying to reach out to Serge from beyond time.  Undoing what I'd done using Lavos dwindling power at my disposal.  Then I put my two selves together, in hopes that both lives could be complete.

I planned to go to him, to meet at that beach where his adventure started a year ago, and to start a life worth living."

Kid finally reaches the end of the last volume, with a dissatisfied scowl spreading across her face.

"If only I could figure out why the hell he wasn't there."

Kid grabs the book by the spine and flings it across the room with a loud growl, sending it crashing into a bookcase.  The librarian stands alert at this, and glares at her, while pointing his finger towards the exit.

Librarian - "You!  Out!  Now!"

Kid scoffs, the scowl deepening on her face as she grabs the large leather container, slings it over her shoulder and walks past him.

Kid - "No problem.  Place is bloody useless anyways."

We cut to Kid walking down the street in a modern metropolis setting, passing people on the sidewalk.  We continue the narration of her journal as this scene plays.

"He was nowhere to be found, like he'd dropped off the face of the planet, with only those from his village even knowing he'd existed.  I searched everywhere, the entire world, looking for him.  Finally, I decided to start searching beyond that, through time."

Kid pauses at an intersection, waiting for the crosswalk to turn while she thoughtfully thumbs her amulet which hangs in her right hand.

"The amulet I had back when Lucca found me still had some magic in it.  Magic that originated from that Lavos abomination yeah, but magic no less.  It took me a while to find one, but I eventually found one of those things that Lucca spoke of in her stories of adventure, a gate in the forest on El Nido's main island.  A gate through time.

I had no idea where it'd take me, but I was certain that Serge was no longer in this world, and I wasn't going to sit back and accept that fact."

Kid continues walking down the street, as the camera pans up to show the spreading city, concealed under a large transparent glass dome.

"So here I am, at the first step in a new adventure.  The gate I found in El Nido led to 2000 A.D, further into the future than I'd imagined I'd wind up.  I plan to use this era to my advantage, and search through their recorded history for any sign of Serge's existance."

We cut to the inside of an adequately furnished hotel room where Kid opens the door, tosses the leather container to the ground with a large metallic clang eminating from it, storms over to a desk, angrily opens a journal and begins to scrawl in it while reading her own writing aloud.

Kid - "Day 2:  NOTHING!  Not a damn clue to his existance!  Nothing on file, nothing on their networks, nothing in their LONG BORING BOOKS!  It's like he never existed at all!"

She sighs as she closes the journal shut and flops back onto the bed, staring at a fan on the ceiling.

Kid - "What the hell happened to ya, mate?"
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 06:50:11 am by FouCapitan »


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Script)
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2009, 08:46:29 am »
I...don't think this needs two threads...You should just use this one for both posting your submission & other people posting comments/criticisms...

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Script)
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2009, 10:52:50 pm »
Holy crap...

This is good. Very good. Someone PM Schala and show her this.


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2009, 07:06:04 am »

It'll prolly be another day or two for the next part to be wrapped up.  Working a long week, and staying up late as all hell writing on this is draining my health, so friday I'll sit back and try and get two to three chapters wrapped up.

Chapter 2 is more than halfway done currently.

« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 06:49:44 am by FouCapitan »


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2009, 07:19:59 am »
A-are you posting in italics to differentiate from the chapters of the story...? Anyways, I still haven't read it cause I can't stand script layouts...*heh heh*

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2009, 11:36:46 am »
A-are you posting in italics to differentiate from the chapters of the story...?

IDK. Somehow, I doubt it.

Love the MegaMan avvie.


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2009, 05:56:15 am »

This part runs a bit short, but we're introduced to a new main character, whom I have great plans for.  Enjoy!

Part 2

Kid sighs walking to the window of her hotel room.  It is still early in the day, as she overlooks the bright and bustling town.

Kid - "Nothin'...  I came all this way and I don't even have a lead to follow."

Kid leans out the open window.  A gentle breeze causes the curtains to sway lightly as she props her head up with her palm.  She continues to stare outside for a few silent moments, as we follow her bright blue eyes scanning the streets below nonchalantly.  Her composure is interrupted as she fixates on one spot of the street below and her eyes widen.

We turn to her perspective to see a man with a red bandanna in the distance, walking down the street with his back turned towards her.

Turning back to the interior of the hotel room, we see only the door closing shut as Kid's footsteps are heard echoing down the hall rapidly.

Bursting through the large glass double doors of the Arris Hotel with her large leather case in tow, Kid casts a quick glance down the street to her left, and just as quickly sets down the road running.

Weaving her way through the lightly congested crowds on the sidewalk, sometimes outright pushing her way through others, she continues to run, her eyes scanning through everything in front of her frantically.

Finally we see the man in the red bandanna turning into a side alley up ahead.

Kid - "Serge!"

Kid's shout is ignored apparently, as she reaches the alleyway.

Kid - "Ser-"

Kid's call in cut off as she collides with a tall man and falls back on her rear.

??? - "Oh excuse m-"

Kid - "Outta my-"

Kid begins to scramble to her feet but only gets to one knee as she stares by the man she bumped into to see a middle aged bearded man in a red bandanna entering a small bookshop entrance.

Her eyes sink towards the ground as she sighs, lowering back to the cement in a seated position.

Kid - "Of course not..."

??? - "I'm sorry.  I wasn't watching where I was going.  You're not hurt, are you miss...?"

Kid glances up from her despondent position on the ground to see a young man, probably in his mid twenties, extending his right hand to her, while holding a couple small books in the left.  Lining his gentle olive green eyes are a pair of gold rimmed spectacles.  His medium length strawberry blonde hair is messily tied back in a knotted ponytail, and set in his squared jaw is a sincere apologetic smile.  His attire seems somewhat out of place, clothed in dark slacks, leather loafers, and a white long sleeve button shirt with a maroon vest.

Kid lets out an light chuckle shaking her head.

Kid - "Nah, I'm all right."

She grasps the man's hand firmly, letting him help her to her feet.

??? - "You sure miss?"

Kid dusts off the back of her jeans.

Kid - "Yeah, I'm fine.  And drop the 'miss' title.  The name's Kid."

Kid smiled and extends her hand to him in greeting.

Kid - "Kid Zeal."

The man's face draws into an expression of shock and puzzlement, as he lets one of his books slip onto the sidewalk.  He quickly snatches it up, and stands back up with his normal apologetic smile.

Barnes - "Barnes Tristan."

He shakes her hand quickly, then half turns towards the bookstore entrance.

Barnes - "Sorry about the bump there.  If you ever need any books stop on by."

Kid - "Sure thing mate."

Kid nods with a tip salute of her fingers.  The two turn away from one another as Kid begins to trudge back to her hotel while Barnes steps inside his store.

He walks past the older man in the red bandanna, who is now browsing through a cart near the front door.  Pausing in his steps, he turns back towards the entrance, debating mentally whether or not to follow her.

Instead he continues on to the back of the store, into his small dimly lit office.  He sets the two books he was carrying down on his polished wooden desk and, still standing, begins drumming the fingers of his right hand while his left hand finds its place stroking his chin thoughtfully.

Barnes - "Zeal...  I know that name..."
« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 04:59:58 pm by FouCapitan »


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2009, 06:07:33 am »

And another note, yes I'm using italics to separate my author's notes, and comments from the actual script posting.

Also, sometime into this project there will be certain choices for Kid to make concerning major decisions in the storyline, and may result in certain characters joining the main team, or leaving it.  (Much like previous Chrono games do)

When I arrive at these crossroads in the story, I will set up a vote to let you all decide which course of action I will write out.  Eventually I will reveal the outcome of the other actions, but not until one full 'run' of the story is complete.  (Think of it as New Game+ with writing.)

I think you could use something else to separate these neat lines that I usually use to separate my comments from people's posts (edit this post to see the tags used if you don't know). Whole paragraphs of italics just looks exceedingly ugly to me...
P.S. Looks like I was right, Shadow! You owe me a Coke.

Never had that board code available before.  Looks nicer, I agree.

Anyways, have you been reading any of the damn thing yet?  *Poke*

« Last Edit: January 16, 2009, 06:48:21 am by FouCapitan »

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2009, 12:35:18 pm »
P.S. Looks like I was right, Shadow! You owe me a Coke.

All right, then. Where's your address? I'll mail it to ya. ;)


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2009, 10:50:42 pm »
Shadow... Shut Up. Don't interrupt his work with stupidity.

I love this, this is probably the Best Fanfic I've ever read so far. It's also the only one. I still love it.
(Unless Tea's story counts as a fanfic.)

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2009, 12:02:43 am »
Shadow... Shut Up. Don't interrupt his work with stupidity.

Nerd, I was joking with Trans, not Capitan.


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2009, 01:04:21 am »
Shadow... Shut Up. Don't interrupt his work with stupidity.

I love this, this is probably the Best Fanfic I've ever read so far. It's also the only one. I still love it.
(Unless Tea's story counts as a fanfic.)

Thank you.  I'll try and be consistant with this (1 or 2 chapters a week)

I don't mind Shadow.  I dunno his past here, but I'd appreciate not squabbling with him regarding his posts here.  Best way to honor my request would be for nobody to reply regarding this issue again so long as this thread exists.  Thank you.


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2009, 03:45:35 am »

I love it when writing flows out as quickly as it comes to you, especially when it's an original thought.  Not one that has been brewing in your head for days, but part of the story that instantly comes to you as you begin to type or scrawl the words down.

This part flowed like that, taking less than 10 minutes.  Enjoy.

Part 3

Kid trudges back towards the Arris Hotel, still disappointed, but somewhat less agitated than during her return trip from the town library.  She holds her amulet up in her palm as she walks, staring into its faint light.

Kid - "Guess I'll try another town...  Or maybe another gateway..."

A scream suddenly tears her attention down the road a ways, where a crowd is fleeing from a small department store.

Woman - "Stop it!"

The same scream comes from the woman near the doorway as she cringes, seeing the department store owner flung through the glass window into the middle of the street.

A deep booming voice echoes from within the store.


Kid stops in her tracks, cocks her eyebrow up in an interested fashion as she chuckles.

Kid - "Well well, and here I thought today'd be boring."

She quickly runs up to the department store owner's side as he turns groaning in pain, and stands ready to face whoever is causing the ruckus inside.

Kid - "Hey chump!  Ya got a lotta nerve throwing old men through windows!"

The store owner looks up at her, puzzled.

Owner - "Hey...  I'm only 25..."

A loud crash from inside shakes the ground as the checkout counter is hurled towards them, crashing into the pavement just as Kid steps to the side, dragging the store owner by the collar.

Kid - "Woah...  Looks like this guy doesn't wanna play nice."

Kid takes a few steps to charge into the store, but stops as two figures emerge from the gaping hole where the storefront window once was.

They are rather stocky looking metallic beings, similar to the robots Lucca used to tinker around with, but more streamlined and chrome.  Strapped to their backs are large sacks filled with various electronic devices.  The twin robots scan the crowd and then fixate on Kid, who stands directly in front of them, with a menacing grin on her face.

Kid - "Machines eh?  An' here I thought robots were s'posed to be helping humans out in the future."

One of the machines leans towards Kid, and speaks with the same booming voice she heard before.


Kid immediately responds with a swift punt to the robot's 'jaw', sending him staggering backwards.

Kid - "Can it!"

The second robot springs to action, firing his fist towards her like a rocket.  Kid ducks in the nick of time, as the fist scrapes open the top of the large leather container on her back.

She quickly unslings the container, and lets a large double bladed weapon slide out, a swallow blade like her old partner Serge used.  She catches it with her left hand as she stands upright, glancing at the chain connecting the second robot to his fist, which now lies embedded in the pavement behind her.

Kid - "Let's get started then."

The chain pulls taut and the pavement around the robot's fist begins to shift as he begins to reel it back in.  The first robot regains his balance and aims his fist to take the same shot as the second robot's fist bursts out of the ground and begins to recoil.

With a flick of her wrist Kid slices the chain and grabs the loose end.  She ducks as the first robot fires his fist, and falls back to her side as it painfully grazes her shoulder, tearing through her jacket top.

Robot 2 - "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!"

The second robot charges her, swinging his broken chain down on her like a whip.  Kid raises her swallow up and blocks the chain, causing it to wrap around one of the blades.

Robot 2 - "GOT YOU!"

He quickly pulls the swallow out of her hands and utters a cry of shock as his own fist suddenly crashes into his face, flung by Kid, with enough force to embed it in his head.  As he falls back, Kid quickly jumps up, landing on his chest.  She grabs her swallow, still wrapped in the chain, and pulls it with all her strength, slicing through the chains.

Kid - "One dow-"

As Kid turns towards the first robot again, she comes face to face with his rocket propelled fist, sending her flying back inside the store.

The robot turns to his partner, who lays motionless as he reels his fist back in.  He then turns towards the store.


The robot grabs the sack of loot from his fallen companion and begins to run down the street.



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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2009, 04:45:40 am »

After a few delays, here's part four.

Part 4

Kid regains consciousness as the store owner helps pull her body out of the rubble.  She rubs her bruised cheek as she shakes her head clear.

Owner - "You okay young lady?  I'm sorry you had to go through that for my sake."

Kid staggers to her feet, and steps away from the owner, standing on her own.

Kid - "Couldn't sit by and let those goons cause trouble...  Argh..."

Kid rubs her cheek again in pain, as she walks over and pulls her swallow out from the rubble near where she landed.

Owner - "I don't get it.  Robots have never acted hostile before, and to commit a robbery no less."

A man dressed in a gray uniform steps in to the building.

Policeman - "Actually this isn't the only case of this happening recently."

Owner - "Ah, about time the authorities show up."

The policeman takes a deep drag of his cigarette, ignoring the store owner's gripes as he surveys the wreckage in the store.

Policeman - "How many were here?"

Kid steps forward in front of the policeman, placing her hand on her hip as she answers him.

Kid - "Two that I saw."

The policeman looks her over from head to toe, taking extra glances at her weapon and bruises.  He snuffs the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger and tosses it behind him.

Policeman - "So I take it you're responsible for the one outside?"

Kid leans to the side to see past the officer, seeing three other officers loading the remains of the second robot into the back of a hovering flatbed truck.

Kid - "Yeah...  You said more of these attacks were happening, right?"

Policeman - "Same group of robots, robbing electronics stores of random junk.  No motive, no explanation, and thankfully no fatalities...  yet."

He pulls out a pack from his breast pocket and takes another cigarette out.

Policeman - "Defying the Ashtear laws of robotics, and resorting to this gang like behaviour.  Frankly we've got no leads, so if you know anything about them, we'd appreciate the cooperation."

As he starts to light his new smoke another man steps into the building.

Barnes - "They mentioned something about the revival of a chosen one."

Kid narrows her eyes at Barnes.

Kid - "If you're gonna stalk me you shoulda helped out in that fight."

Barnes scratches the back of his head and smiles at Kid apologetically.

Barnes - "Sorry Kid, by the time I noticed the fight the crowd was too thick to get through."

The police officer ignores the two and steps outside, staring down the road as another police cruiser is returning to the scene, following a set of tracks left by the fleeing robot, embedded into the road.

Policeman - "Chosen one eh?  Some sort of robot deity."

He chuckles a bit.

Policeman - "Maybe these robots have just gone haywire, and delusional."

He walks up to the police cruiser as it stops on the side of the road.  Behind him, Kid and Barnes exit the building.

Policeman - "Anything?"

Driver - "Nothing.  The tracks end at the northern corridor.  He must have stopped running after that."

Policeman - "Or taken a transport...  Send a patrol past the corridor to keep a look out for any suspicious robots, I'll settle the report back at headquarters."

Driver - "Yessir."

The policeman turns and walks towards his own vehicle as the other cruiser pulls away again following the tracks north.  He turns towards Kid as she picks up the torn casing her weapon was held in.

Policeman - "I suggest you stay out of trouble.  I don't need anyone getting killed trying to be a hero against these crazy machines."

Kid grins defiantly as the officer gets in his vehicle and drives off.

Kid - "Is he kiddin'?  After that suckerpunch I owe that robot tenfold."

She takes out a dagger and cuts off the ruined portion of the leather container, remodelling it into a makeshift sling for her swallow, and hefts it over her shoulder.

Barnes - "So, you're going to try and find that malfunctioning robot gang?"

Kid turns to Barnes, setting the dagger back in its scabbard.

Kid - "You wanna stop me?"

Barnes - "Actually I'd like to accompany you.  I'd hate to send such a spirited young lady off to her probable demise all alone."

She grins at Barnes.

Kid - "That walking scrapheap just got a lucky shot on me back there.  But if yer really game to tag along I won't stop ya."

Barnes - "Good then.  We should be off, while the day's still young."

He casually strolls by Kid, following the tracks northward, as Kid shakes her head.

Kid - "Guess a little company won't hurt."

She adjusts the strap of her swallow a bit and follows him on foot.

So, to garner some reader feedback, who do you all think this "Chosen One" the robots speak of is gonna be?  Wanna see how well anyone's predicting this so far.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 05:41:34 am by FouCapitan »


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Re: Chrono Breaker (Fanfic/Game Script)
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2009, 08:28:05 pm »
Robo or Mother Brain/FATE