Author Topic: Game Script CT: Magus Rising  (Read 4523 times)


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Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« on: February 10, 2009, 07:57:13 pm »
Ok, so I finally decided to sit down and write a script for a possible new CT hack. Going off of Prophet's Guile, I will be expanding on Janus' story, and hopefully will get to see it eventually made into a game. Uhm, I'm not very experienced at writing a script, so if you guys have any helpful suggestions or comments, it would be great. Thanks.

Anyway, here's what I have so far:

Scene: Ocean Palace, year 12,000 BC, Waking Lavos. Schala, Zeal, the 3 Gurus and Janus (child) are gathered for the waking of Lavos, using the Mammon Machine.

Zeal: Janus! what are you doing here, you bad little child! Your negative engery will disrupt the flow of power from Lavos! Gurus! Get him out of my sight!

Scene: Lavos chooses this time to become active and sucks the three Gurus and Janus into Time Gates, sending them each to different era's: Belthazar to the far reaches of 2300 A.D., Melchior to peaceful 1000 A.D., and Gespar to the mysterious End of Time. Janus ends up in rural 600 A.D. surrounded by imps and a curious Ozzy. The Imps attack Janus, beating him nearly to death, when suddenly a power inside reacts and vanquishes them all. Ozzy scoops the child up and takes it back to his Fort.

Chapter 1: How to Raise a Child?
Scene: Ozzy's Fort, Throne Room. Ozzy is surrounded by his two top underlings, the swordsman Slash and Flea the magician.

Ozzy: what to do, what to do? Ozzy's in a jam! What am I to do with this child?

Slash: We could always cook it and eat it's flesh. It looks human enough.
Flea: But it's power, can't you feel it? This child is going to be a great Magician!
Slash: True, imagine how that would taste! think it would ruin the meal?
Flea: you idiot! imagine being able to turn this kid against humans. With his power we can easily take over their world.

Ozzy: That's it! That's exactly it! but how does one take care of a child...?

switch scene to Janus waking up in a bedroom inside of Ozzy's Fort:

Janus: ....Where am I?
disembodied voice: You have been moved through time.
Janus: Schala!
d.v.: is trapped in the past. she is beyond your help.
Janus: I don't care, I must save her!
d.v.: and how do you intend to do that? stuck here... and little more than a runt.
Janus: ...Lavos. I will have my revenge on HIM, then.
d.v.: hmm... maybe, maybe... only 'time' will tell.

Scene: Ozzy walks in.

Ozzy: Ok, brat, get on your feet. Today you begin your training to conquer the humans.
Janus: ...I know of a way that will surely destroy all humans. If you help me, you may share in the glory when it comes time.
Ozzy: D-damn, you're audacious! What makes you so sure that your way will destroy the Humans?
Janus: .....
Ozzy: Alright, already! I had planned on raising you and teaching you anyway. Come with me!
Janus: ....very well.

Scene: Ozzy and Janus leave Ozzy's fort and travel to the forest just north of it. They walk in a little ways and then stop.

Ozzy: This is where I leave you. Either survive or die! If you survive, come back to the Fort.

Scene: Ozzy vanishes, and 5 imps line up and then attack Janus 1x1. Janus must destroy all 5 to leave the forest and should get a level up. If he dies, he wakes up in Ozzy's Fort and has to try the test again.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2009, 11:08:23 pm by idioticidioms »


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2009, 08:12:41 pm »
Sounds like a solid idea. Seems to be going a little fast though, it might take Janus a little bit longer than that to come up with his plan to summon Lavos.
Do you have an outline planned?


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2009, 08:19:09 pm »
I do have an outline planned for the progression of the story. I mean, this could be changed, because I'm finding it really hard to fit into Ozzy's normally bungling personality in CT, so I'll probably end up changing it a bit as time goes on.

My outline basically goes with Janus growing up in the Middle Ages, travelling the world. It'll be three major parts that are split up into lesser parts. The major parts will be his childhood, teenage years, adult years leading up to when Crono &Crew make their way into his life. I plan on adding in some more of the story of Glenn and Cyrus into it, and if the nice people from Prophet's Guile allow it, adding their storyline onto the end of this story.

For the moment, this is just a very rough draft, very subject to change.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2009, 08:26:58 pm »
I'm pretty excited to see what you come up with, I've always wanted to see more of this part of the story.
If you need any help with anything along the way, I'd be glad to offer it. I don't know Temporal Flux yet, but I'm learning spriting, and I can definately help with dialogue and scripts.

(If(when!) this turns into a full-fledged mod, you'll be my hero)


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2009, 08:34:24 pm »
well, lol, I have no idea what all goes into the game making. my only skill is writing, so I'm going to keep writing the script and just hope to have some nice people help me with everything else, lol. I expect the script is going to take a long time just to work through it, fine tune it, change parts, etc. But I look forward to the challenge. Every Janus/Magus fan wants this story, whether they know it or not.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2009, 09:07:21 pm »
Came up with a title: CT: Tale of the Magus

Working right now on coming up with lists of items, etc. and thinking about where to take this story. I want to somehow mix in Glenn as a kid and I'm working on figuring out how to do that, because I know which direction I want to take the Cyrus/Glenn story, but fitting it into this is going to take some doing, but it's going to be magnificent if I can get it to turn out the way it is in my head right now.

update on the story:

Scene: Ocean Palace, year 12,000 BC, Waking Lavos. Schala, Zeal, the 3 Gurus and Janus (child) are gathered for the waking of Lavos, using the Mammon Machine.

Zeal: Janus! what are you doing here, you bad little child! Your negative engery will disrupt the flow of power from Lavos! Gurus! Get him out of my sight!

Scene: Lavos chooses this time to become active and sucks the three Gurus and Janus into Time Gates, sending them each to different era's: Belthazar to the far reaches of 2300 A.D., Melchior to peaceful 1000 A.D., and Gespar to the mysterious End of Time. Janus ends up in rural 600 A.D. surrounded by imps and a curious Ozzy. The Imps attack Janus, beating him nearly to death, when suddenly a power inside reacts and vanquishes them all. Ozzy scoops the child up and takes it back to his Fort.

Chapter 1: How to Raise a Child?
Scene: Ozzy's Fort, Throne Room. Ozzy is surrounded by his two top underlings, the swordsman Slash and Flea the magician.

Ozzy: what to do, what to do? Ozzy's in a jam! What am I to do with this child?

Slash: We could always cook it and eat it's flesh. It looks human enough.
Flea: But it's power, can't you feel it? This child is going to be a great Magician!
Slash: True, imagine how that would taste! think it would ruin the meal?
Flea: you idiot! imagine being able to turn this kid against humans. With his power we can easily take over their world.

Ozzy: That's it! That's exactly it! but how does one take care of a child...?

switch scene to Janus waking up in a bedroom inside of Ozzy's Fort:

Janus: ....Where am I?
disembodied voice: You have been moved through time.
Janus: Schala!
d.v.: is trapped in the past. she is beyond your help.
Janus: I don't care, I must save her!
d.v.: and how do you intend to do that? stuck here... and little more than a runt.
Janus: ...Lavos. I will have my revenge on HIM, then.
d.v.: hmm... maybe, maybe... only 'time' will tell.

Scene: Ozzy walks in.

Ozzy: Ok, brat, get on your feet. Today you begin your training to destroy the humans.
Janus: ...why destroy them?
Ozzy: Because they uh... well, They're keeping us penned up like animals and won't allow us any freedom! They see us as monsters and we just want to live like they do!
Ozzy: ...And because we're naturally superior. We have skills and spells that they don't.
Janus: Now that I can believe. You'll train me to use your magic?
Ozzy: Of course! of course. Just do what Uncle Ozzy tells you to do.

Scene: Ozzy and Janus leave Ozzy's fort and travel to the forest just north of it. They walk in a little ways and then stop.

Ozzy: This is where I leave you. Either survive or die! If you survive, come back to the Fort for cookies or whatever it is kids like.

Scene: Ozzy vanishes, and 5 imps line up and then attack Janus 1x1. Janus must destroy all 5 to leave the forest and should get a level up. If he dies, he wakes up in Ozzy's Fort and has to try the test again. After beating all five, leave the forest to automatically be taken to Ozzy's Fort, front gate.

Chapter 2: A Molehill out of a Mountain

Scene: Ozzy's Fort, find your way to Ozzy. This is the player's time to explore his Fort. Some new rooms should be added for items and weapons etc. Ozzy is in the throne room. When the player is done, that is where they will find him. Also, you will find that you're able to open your menu now.

Scene: Ozzy's Fort, Throne Room. Slash is on Ozzy's left and Flea is on his right.

Ozzy: congratulations on passing the first test, kid. The second is just as easy. All you have to do is climb to the top of the little hill behind the forest and retrieve my pants that I accidentally left at the hot springs on top of the mount... the hill. You may run into a few mystics out there who won't appreciate your form, so I'll be sending Slash with you to help.

Janus: many tests are there going to be?

Ozzy: Hey! just get going!

[if you passed the test the first time added script:]
Janus: what about my cookie?

Ozzy: HERE! TAKE YOUR COOKIE AND GO ALREADY!! kids these days...
scene: adds a cookie to your inventory that restores 10 hp.
[added script end]

Scene: Slash joins your party as level 5. Janus should be level 2. It is now time for the player to leave the Fort and Head north to the Mountain behind it. Once at the mountain, Slash stops for a moment to talk to Janus.

Slash: You know how to use that weapon, boy?
Janus: n-not really.
Slash: You will by the end of today, or you will be dead. I am nobody's babysitter, got it? Let's go.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2009, 09:32:57 pm »
That's better. Especially the cookie part :D
I like how you wrote Janus, he actually seems like a little kid. Wonder how many "why?"s it's gonna take for Ozzie to get fed up.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2009, 09:46:07 pm »
well, it's pretty easy for me to picture Janus as a kid, as I've known a few kids irl that are pretty close to his personality, or what his personality would be like as a kid.

Anyway, the trouble I'm running through now is the script for the mountain. It's mostly going to be fighting, so I can skip past a lot of it, but it's a mountain that's never been used before in CT, so I'm running into a kind of block on how to proceed, seeing as how I don't know the layout of the mountain or anything. I suppose I could skip the story ahead to the top, and leave everything else in between up for imagination.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2009, 09:52:56 pm »
Just skip to the top, unless you have puzzles or dialogue planned between the battles, or a certain path that needs to be followed.
Scripts don't need to worry about the straight forward dungeon crawl too much. When it gets to novelizing or actual map-making, then worry about specifics of monster battles.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2009, 10:15:35 pm »

Shadow D. Darkman

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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2009, 10:18:16 pm »
I'd say "Chrono Trigger: Magus Rising" for a title. Sounds pretty good, IMO.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #11 on: February 10, 2009, 10:23:32 pm »
wow, I'm going to go with that one, then. That's a lot better than the one I had, lol. Thanks, Shadow.

Btw, does anyone know what weapon Magus starts out with in CT? I ask because I want to add that to the lists I have as the final weapon he uses. Also, his other gear, too, if you don't mind, besides the Amulet.


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #12 on: February 10, 2009, 10:28:26 pm »
Magus starts with the Dark Scythe, Doom Helm, Raven Armor and Amulet in SNES; Moonfall Scythe in the DS. Same thing, just a different name. Do you need the stats, too?


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Re: Game Script (no title, yet)
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2009, 10:32:57 pm »
not yet. I won't be doing the actual programming, because I don't know how. I'm just making lists at the moment, in case I have to reference them in the script. thanks for the info.


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Re: Game Script CT: Magus Rising
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2009, 11:09:25 pm »
What I've got in lists so far:

Playable Characters:

Can only equip things to Janus.

Janus spells:
as a kid:
Dark Bomb (weak)

Fire (strong)
Ice (Strong)
Lightning (Strong)
Dark Bomb (Medium)
Magic Wall (Medium)

Fire 2
Ice 2
Lightning 2
Dark Bomb (Full effectiveness)
Magic Wall (Full Effectiveness)
Dark Mist
Black Hole

Rusty Scythe (start out with)
Kid's Scythe (buy)

Wheat Scythe (start as Teen with)
Sharp Sickle (buy)
Sickle of Doom (Find)

Ice Sickle (Find)
Dark Scythe (Find)

Imp Armor (Start with)
Small Plate   (Buy)

Chain Mail (start as Teen with)
Bronze Armor (buy)

Silver Mail (buy)
Raven Armor (Find)

Imp Helm (Start With)

Bronze Helm (Buy)
Iron Hat (Find)

Prophet's Hood (Find)
Doom Helm (Find)

I'll be doing more work on the script and lists tomorrow, but for now, I'm going to take a break from it.