This has been taken from my blog post over at Newgrounds
Final Fantasy VI: Ascension, Chrono Trigger Apocalypse V (Programmer wanted) Ok let's get down to it. Progress has been hindered... School blows and with that said I have to use my free time on sports or homework. When I am home on the computer, I can't get any animating done, I have enough time to layout storylines and scripts. I can't believe I have time to even post this, yet alone make graphics for some guys madness day game... If he ever pms me in time.
Anyway let's go ahead and give an outlook on what we are seeing.
Final Fantasy VI: Ascension
You can expect this one to just give a layout of what the world is like after the whole original FF6 story. I have litterally been planning the whole idea for a year and in the last month I have just been fine tuning the ideas, with the help from a good friend (R1665). I am already saying that you won't be seeing every character. Some of them just want to live out their lives normally, but believe me when I say that every major character is in.
I expect to have a good showing. I hope I can finish it soon and get it out by at the end of the month at the latest. I think everyone will appreciate what I already consider to be the best FF6 flash on NG. I am talking about story as well as the animation quality.
Chrono Trigger Apocalypse V
There has been no work on this as of yet. So I might as well give you the premise of this episode and what I have decided on doing.
This episode will follow what has happenned to Frog and Magus. Where will it take them? It will be a place pivotol to the storyline and will definetley be a major achievement in what I plan to have become a complete battle system. I plan to have the system working completely, but just for one character. It outta be a fun experience in what I have planned and really outta get some people wanting to play. I will post a screenshot of it, just to get people drooling once I come to it.
I might as well go into the future to say that episode VI will have Crono and Lucca's story and Episode VII will be a suprise and I have something good in mind. It will center around two characters. Everything will come together extremely well and I hope to add more playability in this series. For example, say you are in an area where it's mostly blocks of text just explaining things like the End of Time and talking to Gaspar and Spekkio. I will hopefully be able to let you walk around the area talking to various characters and leave when you please. It won't be a trial and error thing either. If you go to a place that will leave the area and you don't know it, I will put it on there. "Entering here will leave the area and advance the story, please make sure you have talked to everyone to get the full effect." Then there will be a go and go back buttons. This will take a lot of code and with this comes an announcement.
I am looking for a programmer. Someone who can make a battle system as well as help me make areas where your character can walk around. The major issue is that... there is no pay. So basically I am looking for someone who will do it for the love of the series or just the love of programming. You will make money off the API if you have it enabled anyway, so I will just make it a 60 percent take in the programmer's favor right off the bat.
So this is going on the front page... Might as well have a screenshot to.

What does this mean for you guys as in the programmer part? Well you need to know actionscript 2.0 and be hella good with it.