@utunnels: I think it must really have been Killer Jerky--I mean, jerky changed the
entire history of Porre, so it must be kind of important to them, right?
And Lucca
really does leave too much stuff lying around. Presumably, the reason Serge gets away
with stopping to read it is that he isn't really inside a burning building--he's
Kid's dream of a burning building, which is probably frozen in the
burning-but-still-standing state until Kid gets snapped out of it.
As for the head...
Hmm... Is that the original,
or merely a duplicate that
Lucca created?
Anyway, herein we have Serge rescuing Kid, and Magus going off on a couple of tangents
that hopefully aren't too repetitious...
25. Terra Tower - Caught in an echo of time... Part II
Balcony, Lucca's House, 1015 A.D. (Another)
[I didn't notice where this kid was hiding]
Wow, mister!
You sure are strong.
When I grow up, I wanna
be strong like you!
I'm sure you will be.
Oh, yeah...
Here, mister!
Take this...
[Member] received
Lara's Bedroom, Lucca's House, 1015 A.D. (Another)
[Girl hiding under bed]
Th-Th-Thank y-y-you!
Umm... Err...
H-H-Here take this...
[Member] received
Rainbow Shell!
Thanks! ...Hey, have you seen
Kid anywhere?
Th-Th-That floor panel
th-th-there can be
L-L-Lucca and my
f-f-friend Kid went
i-i-in th-th-there but
d-d-didn't c-c-come out!
[Serge puts his hand on her shoulder]
Don't worry--I'll find them.
(I have to.)
Rec Room and Hall, Lucca's House, 1015 A.D. (Another)
[Upon emerging from the storage area accessed via the
ladder from Lara's room...]
Sorry master!
That's all the
strength I have...
[and the third party member disappears.]
(Damn, damn, damn! All alone,
with all these damned monsters
around...I need to find Kid
[The drawings are hanging on the wall in the hallway.]
A child's drawing
hangs here...
'"robo made the desert green"'
'"Kid and auntie lucca...
oops, I mean Sis, hehe"'
'"ayla strong, grrr!"'
'"crono is coool"'
'"call me Sis!"'
'"princess marle to the rescue!"'
[If Magus was recruited, Serge stops after the
first couple of drawings and says--]
(Those names... Are these the
people that Magus traveled with,
the ones who became the ghosts
in the Dead Sea? And "Robo"...
that's Prometheus from
Chronopolis, isn't it?)
(...Suddenly I feel like I've
landed in the middle of someone
else's story. I wonder if Magus
ever feels the same way...?)
[If Magus wasn't recruited, Serge says--]
(Some of these are really weird.
What kind of stories has this
Lucca person been telling these
poor kids?!)
[Serge has to use the Ice Gun to get past the flames
and to the door of the back room--Lucca's former lab.]
Back Room, Lucca's House, 1015 A.D. (Another)
[Serge runs into the room and kneels briefly beside Kid,
who is out cold on the floor.]
Kid? Hey, Kid, are you okay?
[He stands up and turns to face Lynx and Harle, who are
looking out the rear window, and we are treated to FMV:
orphanage in flames.]
Son of a bitch...!
[Lynx and Harle disappear in a burst of magic. At that
moment, Kid wakes up and tries to lunge after them,
but Serge grabs her by the wrist.
Kid, I'm sorry, but there's no
way you can go after them now.
We have to get out of here while
we still can!
[He drags her out of the burning building. Fade to...]
Outside Lucca's House, 1015 A.D. (Another)
[Serge and Kid are standing under a tree. In the background,
the fire continues to rage.]
It's burning...!
Our '"home"' is burning!
All my friends...
They're, they're...!!
Why did this happen!?
I don't know. Sometimes there
really isn't a reason for things,
or the reason only exists inside
some crazy person's head. I'm
Are you going to go away?
Are you going to leave me?
I'm going to be left all
on my own again, aren't I?
Everybody I have ever
loved has gone far, far
~~~I'm sorry...! | ~~~I won't leave you!
No! | Really!?
Don't leave me! | Do you mean that?
What'll happen to me? |
Even if I have to go away for a
little while, I promise it won't
be forever, okay? One day, you
and I will meet again.
(I know how much it hurts to
lose someone you love--I can't
imagine how much more it must
hurt to lose everything you've
ever known. I wish there was
some way I could really go back
there and fix this for real.
But all of this really happened
years ago. Can't go back...so
we have to go forward instead.)
[Kid moves forward and Serge crouches down. They hug.]
Your cheek...
It's wet...?
Thank you...
Thank you for
saving me...
You really did
mean it, right?
Your promise?
[Serge, still crouched, vanishes in a shower of sparkles.]
Where did
you go...?
Come back!!!
[Kid sort of collapses on the ground]
Don't leave me...
Please, no...!
Don't leave me all alone!
[The screen pans up to show the crescent moon,
then fades out.]
Refuge, Hermit's Hideaway (Home)
[As the picture fades back in, Serge is kneeling at
the head of Kid's bed. He quickly gets to his feet
as she wakes, then stands up.]
How've you been...?
I'm...right here...
[Serge nods]
Yeah. It's good to
have you back.
Kid joined your party again!
[If Leena is present]
Now, don't give Serge a
hard time!
Eh? What's that supposed
to mean?
[Radius enters the area near the bed, and everyone
turns to face him.]
Thank goodness...
This must be the power
of Serge's love.
That isn't funny!
(Damn, I think I'm blushing!
...And so is Kid. Just a bit.)
(Hey, does that mean--)
Ahh yes, Kid.
Luccia is waiting for you
in her lab in Viper Manor.
She wanted to give you
Luccia? That crazy sheila
with the test tubes?
Luccia: | Serge:
Vell, it is more | That's the one.
interesting to be |
a mad scientist! |
Anyway, there's
no rush.
I suggest you rest
here for the day.
[Fade out, then in. We're in the same place, but Kid and Serge
are alone now.]
My wound...?
[Serge nods]
Yeah, when Lynx stabbed you,
I was afraid it was all over.
Lynx stabbed me...?
What are you talking about?
(Huh? How can she not remember?
Or maybe it's just that so much
has happened since then...)
I mean at Terra Tower, after
Lynx stole my body.
[Kid spreads her hands and shakes her head.]
Ohhh...wait a minute...
Not again...
I lose my memory sometimes.
Whenever I'm in a dangerous
situation where I might get
hurt, I just seem to
disappear and vanish.
[Kid folds her arms across her chest.]
And when I come to,
I wake up somewhere safe
without a single scratch.
But the thing is, I can't
remember what happened.
I don't get it...
Sounds kind of freaky.
(Maybe even dangerous.)
[Kid laughs.]
Anyway, it's happened to me
plenty o' times in the past,
so it's nothin' to worry about!
(She sounds so certain...in her
place, I'd be plenty worried.)
C'mon, mate!
Let's go!
[Serge nods. Fade again, and we go to...]
Exterior, Hermit's Hideaway (Home)
[The following scenelet occurs only if Magus has been
recruited--if he hasn't been, the player immediately
resumes control of the party at the top of the stairs.]
[Magus is standing in a corner of the garden, staring
at nothing in particular, when Guile enters the area.]
Something...appears to be
troubling you.
Those dream creatures referred
to Kid as a princess.
...And so?
To my knowledge, there is only
one princess mixed up in this.
You are referring
to your sister.
The thought of there being any
relationship between the two of
them is utterly preposterous...
and yet I cannot get it out of
my mind.
I see. On the one hand, she
seemed familiar to you from the
moment you met, and she bears
an artifact that came from Zeal,
your home. On the other hand,
she has never shown any sign of
recognizing you or being aware
of a shared past.
It's more than that. My memories
of my sister are extremely
vague, but I am almost certain
that she was gentle, even shy--
Kid's precise opposite in
personality. And her hair colour
is wrong--that I do remember.
Could the dream-creatures have
made a mistake, or perhaps meant
something else?
It's even more improbable, but
I suppose she could be Marle
and Crono's daughter, which
would make her a princess of
Guardia. She's just barely
old enough...and yet, if an
heir to the Guardian throne
were still alive, I would have
expected to hear about it
before now.
Indeed. Or she might simply
be your sister's daughter.
I hope you are right. If Kid
is her daughter, then that means
my sister survived the disaster
that felled Zeal. If only I
could remember...!
And now you are feeling
Belthasar's neck between your
fingers again.
You know me too well. I'm still
certain that the old buzzard has
all the missing pieces to this
puzzle. Why else would he have
gone into hiding?
I have no idea. That man's
thought processes are a
mystery to me.
Hmph. You must be finding all
of this most amusing, then.
It is true, recent events have
presented me with an entire
series of fascinating enigmas.
And you so enjoy chasing after
the invisible... Recently, I
have often thought that you
would have been quite at home
in Zeal.
Thank you.
That was not a compliment.
Nevertheless, I will take
it as such.
[The two climb up and into the burned tree. A moment
later, Serge emerges, and the player regains control.]
Luccia's Lab, Viper Manor (Another)
[Upon speaking to Luccia with Kid in the party--]
I have been vaiting,
Yeah? What for?
Dere is somet'ing
I vant to give you.
Huh? Me...? Why?
I vas told to give it to
you vhen the time vas right.
It's for you...
from Lucca...
You knew Lucca!?
(You're kidding me!)
[Luccia nods.]
[She hands the letter to Kid. Kid turns around to face
away from Luccia, opens the envelope, and starts to read.]]
[Lucca's Letter]
My dear Kid,
How are you doing?
I wonder how old you are
as you read this letter?
Perhaps you've matured into
a beautiful woman, raising a
happy family, by now?
I was hoping to talk to you in
person when you were old enough,
but just in case something happens,
I'm writing my feelings down on
paper and leaving it with Luccia.
Perhaps you already know...
or perhaps you yourself are
also now caught up in some
historic crisis as a result
of all this.
But, anyway...
A long time ago, we -- my friends
and I, that is -- changed the future
in order to save our planet from
being devoured by Lavos, a monster
from some unknown planet.
We still feel proud of the role
we played in saving our world,
and in how we were so freely
able to change the flow of time.
But sometimes I think of the darker
side of what we did...
What has become of the future that
was '"once"' supposed to have existed?
Where did the '"time"' that now is no
longer allowed to exist '"go?"'
It is true that, thanks to our
altering the flow of history,
we were able to save so many
lives and prevent so much sadness
and suffering...
But when you think of it, we also
caused the deaths of so many that
were meant to have come into
existence in the time line we
destroyed, and also caused new
sadness and suffering further along
in the new future we created...
That is why I worry that someone
might seek revenge on us for
what we did.
I have had a constant dread in my
heart that someone in our new
future will travel back in time,
just like we did, and try and kill
or capture my friends and me.
So, even if something dreadful
does befall me, Kid, know
that what was meant to happen
will happen, and that I was
always prepared for the worst.
Oh, but don't you dare think the
Great Lucca is going to go down
without a fight!
(I've got a reputation to uphold!)
Whatever lies waiting for us
around the next corner better
watch out, 'cause it's gonna
find a pretty mean counter-
attack coming its way!
When I think of you,
I remember someone I once
met a long, long time ago
in the distant past...
Heh! But she was the complete
opposite of the you in this
time line...
So quiet and gentle...
Someday I'll also tell you
about her...
When you are ready to know
of your real name and heritage.
I'm not the slightest bit
worried about you, Kid!
I know that, no matter what
happens, '"he"' will always be
there looking out for you!
Or perhaps he has already
found you and is there by
your side as you read this?
If so, hello, Janus!
Please take good care of
my '"little sister"' for me!
There is so much more I want to
to tell you, but I must leave it
for another time.
Don't worry! Everything is okay!
We will overcome whatever woes
may occur! That's for certain!
Later, when you're all grown
up, I'll come visit you and we'll
talk over tea.
I look forward to that day!
Well, anyway Kid,
until we meet again...
Forever and ever your friend,
(No matter which time line it is!)
~~~~~~~~yours sincerely,
~~~~~~~~Lucca Ashtear
Cut out the tomboy act!
Believe me! You'll become a
beautiful young lady one day, or
my name isn't '"Lucca the Great!"'
[When she's finished reading, Kid continues to stand there
with her back to the party.]
Sorry, but...
I'd like to be
alone for a while...
[The other party members--and Luccia--leave the room.]
I can't believe you,
You're the one who always
laughed about how there's
nothin' '"definite"' or
'"certain"' in this world...
Received Rainbow Shell.
[Apparently, the shell was enclosed in the letter. The scene
then fades to the hall outside.]
Basement Hallway, Viper Manor (Another)
[Serge and the party are standing outside the
door to Luccia's lab.]
(So that was what Lucca Ashtear
was like... I wish I could have
met her. She seemed like a nice
person--well, a little crazy,
but you can't have everything.)
[If Magus is in the party]
Huh...I guess that letter really
proves that you did know Lucca,
right, Janus?
Did you think I was
lying about it?
No, it's just that, um, your
memory...is kinda... (Oops, I
think I just put my foot in it.)
Idiot. Yes, I truly did know
Lucca Ashtear...which makes me
wonder why some parts of that
letter were so out-of-character
for her.
What do you mean?
She wasn't the sort of person
prone to dropping hints and
then leaving them unexplained,
but in that letter she implied
that she feared reprisals from
the future we wiped from
existence...and then made a
cryptic remark about Kid's
origins. She knew something,
and I think she expected me to
understand it as well, but these
damnable holes in my head... Did
she know about Belthasar?
Isn't that...a bit of a jump?
Is it? To my mind, the pieces
are starting to fit together far
too neatly for her to have meant
anything else! Belthasar,
Chronopolis, FATE, Lynx, the
Frozen Flame, you, Kid, and
Lucca...and me. All connected.
Guile: [if present]
Interesting. The connections are
so complex that one almost needs
to draw a diagram to make sense
of it all.
There are still vital pieces
missing, however: Kid's origin,
Belthasar's motives, and the
reason that I wiped my memory...
Lucca clearly had at least one
of them, but it would require
time travel to recover whatever
she knew...which leads us back
to exactly one source of
information yet again.
Let me guess: you're talking
about Belthasar. (He always gets
this sour look on his face when
he talks about the old guy...
Well, okay, he USUALLY looks
kind of sour, but this is a
DIFFERENT sour look.)
Precisely. If I knew where
to look for HIM, this would
all be over.
(Yeah, and I bet it would be
all over for Belthasar, too!)
[Kid emerges from the lab]
Well, let's get to it!
We've got a tower to
climb, mates!
(Oh, Kid... Don't force yourself
to be cheerful. It hurts to
[Kid rejoins the party.]
[If they go back and speak to Luccia again afterwards...]
Lucca and I go vay back.
Ve vere great friends,
both aspiring scientists.
Had not the tragic incident
occured, I am sure Lucca
vould have surpassed me...
Magus: [if present]
She already had. Lucca published
very little of her research--she
was more of a tinkerer than a
(...I really do think I would
have liked to meet her.)
And no, I don't think the junk found in Lucca's room in Kid's nightmare invalidates Magus'
last comment, since I can't see that any of it was in a format that a scientific journal
would accept.
Anyway, the third and final part of the chapter will contain flying saucers, flying boats,
and flying existential discussions. ;P