So here we have dwarves and hydras and Razzly (oh, my!) Enjoy.
9b-2. Guldove - Save Kid route (Part 2)Max recruits: Serge, Leena, Nikki. (Kid is not in the party, and this branch is not
available if Guile was chosen as the Viper Manor guide.)
Recruitable: Luccia, Skelly (as of the moment Korcha's boat becomes available--see
"early side-stuff")
[Note: If there is a problem here, it's that if Leena wasn't recruited (and the player
hasn't detoured to pick up one of the other optional characters--even without the use
of the boat, Luccia at least should be accessible by going overland from Termina and
through the forest), the party will at this point consist only of Serge and Nikki,
and getting through the Hydra Marshes with only two people might be a tall order for
some players.]
Entrance, Hydra Marshes (Home)
[They speak to the guy at the entrance to the marshes]
[If Leena is present]
Oh, you're with Leena.
Well, I'm sure you'll be OK
if she comes along, hehheh...
What do you mean by that!?
(Does this guy have a death
wish? But I agree--Leena will
probably scare all the poor
monsters in here to death.)
[Note: Some references below to "the 3 of you" have
been removed without my bothering to mark them]
You want to go further
into the forest, right?
Well, if it's you guys,
I'm sure you'll be OK.
Do you have some kind
of business here?
That's right.
...Hmm, I won't ask you
what it is. I can tell by
the look on your face that
it's something important.
Here, go on through.
I'm sure you can handle
[He steps out of the way.]
Before you enter here,
I'll give you a word
of advice...
The marshes are like a
maze full of poisonous
monsters. Be prepared!
We've already prepared the
best we could.
[A dwarf (or a beeba? script not clear) shows itself briefly,
deeper inside the swamp]
(Huh? What was that?)
Leena: | Nikki:
Serge, why are you standing | You know, I don't think
there staring into space? | the hydra's going to
We've got a hydra to find, | pop out and fall on you
remember? | if you just look for it
| long enough.
Um, yeah. Sorry. (Must
be seeing things.)
Tree Branch Area, Hydra Marshes (Home)
Guys, get down!
Something's coming!
[They get buzzed by the Wingapede]
Man, what was that thing?
It's huge!
(Ugh, I didn't count on
there being giant bugs in
Beeba Stomping Grounds, Hydra Marshes (Home)
[The Beeba sticks its head out, then returns to hiding]
Leena: | Serge:
Am I seeing things, or | (Huh? What the...?
was some weird yellow | That thing's uglier
creature with a parasol | than the giant bugs!)
standing there for a |
moment? |
[A little further on, the Beeba returns and blocks their path]
This beeba no place
for humans, beeba!
Go away! Beeba off!
Sorry, but that isn't
an option.
If you beeba good and walk
away, I will let you go.
Beeba gone!
Serge, I don't think it's
You beeba too persistent...
I will beebavenged!
(Oh, fer cryin' out loud--
as though the other monsters
weren't enough of a nuisance!)
[They fight it. When the party wins--]
I beeba sorry! Here! I give
you this! Please forgive beeba!
This beebas flute that is
handed down in the beeba
family. It beeba magical! It
calls Wingapede! It makes
Wingapede beeba good Wingapede!
It is best beeba used in a
"wide open space!" Well, I'll
beeba seeying ya!
[Serge receives the Beeba flute, and the Beeba ducks out. Serge
looks down thoughtfully at the flute in his hand]
Leena: [if she's present]
Well, that was...nice of it.
Magical, huh? (Why do I have
the feeling there has to be
a catch?)
We won't know until we test it
out. Why don't you try blowing
it, Serge?
[Serge does that, and nothing happens. The Beeba reappears]
This beeba the wrong place!
This isn't the '"wide open space"'
I was talking about!
[It leaves again]
I was hoping that it would
at least make a cool sound--
something I could use in my
next composition--but no
such luck, I guess.
You know, that beeba critter
was being just a little too
helpful for my taste.
Leena: | Nikki:
Kind of paranoid, aren't | You're overthinking
you? | things.
(I hope that's all it is.
Really, I do.)
Wingapede Platform, Hydra Marshes (Home)
A wide open space...maybe
we should try the flute
[Serge blows the flute and a pissed off Wingapede shows up]
Leena: | Nikki:
Uh-oh, it doesn't look very | Oh, hell, it's coming right
happy... Sorry, Serge, guess | for us! Serge, I guess you
you were right for once when | were right about that beeba
you said there was something | guy after all. Sorry.
fishy about that flute. |
| Serge:
Serge: | That's okay--so long as you
("For once"? Ouch! She's no | remember this the next time
different from the Leena | I get paranoid.
from my world, even though |
she HASN'T known me all my | Nikki:
life!) | ...
[They fight the Wingapede, and defeat it, but the platform has been
weakened by the battle...]
Maybe it's my turn to be
paranoid, but the middle of
this thing doesn't look
like it's in good shape. I
think we'd better not try
to walk on it, okay?
[Of course, if they do step on the weakened center of the
platform, it gives way and lands them in the cave-like area
Cave, Hydra Marshes (Home)
[They drop from above and bounce off the Pentapus]
Man, sure didn't expect to
find a space this size down
here--or a monster this big!
It makes a nice cushion,
though, if you don't mind
that it's a bit rubbery.
Leena: [if she's present]
And slimy. Ick!
I'm surprised it didn't
wake up when we hit it.
Guess we got lucky, for
once. Hey, is that a
cage over there?
Looks like it.
[A flutter of motion from the cage.]
...There's something inside.
(Damnit, I don't know what to
do! Every moment we spend here
brings Kid that much closer to
dying, but the critter in the
cage is probably in trouble
[If they speak to the fairy in the cage on the other side of the room]
Encaged Fairy:
Leena: | Nikki:
This is...a fairy? I've | Hey, is this a fairy?
heard of them, but I've |
never seen one before. |
Whatever she is, she isn't
going to survive much longer
in there. Let's get her out.
Wait right there...
My darlings
Do you think you can walk out
of here alive?
...And with my dinner too?
Come to think of it...
It's been years since I wrapped
my sweet tentacles around
succulent humon flesh...!
You'll make a fine main course
to go with that delicious fairiii
You should consider it an
honor to be the dinner
guests of Madam Pentapus!
(Ugh--you have GOT to be kidding
me! We've got to waste time
fighting a stupid monster with
a speech impediment at the
bottom of this hole?!)
Let's just get this over with.
[They defeat the Pentapus and release Razzly from the cage]
Thank you for rescuing me!
You are kind of strong for
human-folk! I was surprised!
Let me introduce myself...
My name is Razzly!
I come from Water Dragon Isle.
I think you can tell by just
looking at me, but I'm a fairy!
I guess you could say it's
fairy obvious! Tee-hee-hee!
[Serge shakes his head]
(If she's going to make puns
that bad, I vote we stuff her
back in the cage.)
Leena: | Nikki:
I've heard of that island. | You know, I overheard
The old fisherman in my village | these two guys talking
sometimes spoke about it. | while I was in Termina--
But he says that because of the | the other Termina, that
strange dry spell we've been | is. Seems that the water
having lately the island's | on the other world's Water
water source has dried up! | Dragon Isle has dried up.
I wonder if it's the same | Think the same thing might
thing in this world? | have happened here?
Huh? Our water source
has dried up...?
This world...?
I don't understand what
in Fairy Godmother's name
you are talking about!
It's kind of complicated.
Look, try not to worry about
it too much. I'm sure your
island's fine. Anyway, if
you're going to be okay now,
we need to find that hydra.
If there's even one here.
(We've wasted way too much
time here.)
There sure is a Hydra
in this forest. I saw it
with my fairy own eyes!
But that's when those
big-noses caught me and
threw me in here to
become Pentapus bait!
Anyway, I'll be fine.
Now that I'm out of
the cage, I can fly
back to my island. It'll
take a while, but that's
okay. Thanks fairy much
for helping me, and be
fairy careful!
[Razzly exits, flying straight up through the hole in the cavern's ceiling.]
[If they do all this too late to save Razzly]
[Razzly dies]
Near Hydra Pool, Hydra Marshes (Home)
[The party is surrounded by dwarves]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Halt, humans! We cannot
permit you to advance
any further!
The Hydra is the tutelary
deity of this forest,
hi-ho! Without it, this
forest will die...
I hate to say it, but that
isn't our problem. (I wish
there were some other way
to save Kid's life, but...)
Should you still wish to
advance, you will have to
get by us! Prepare for
battle, wicked humans!
(Here we go again...)
[Battle. When the party wins]
Dwarf Chieftain:
Too...strong... Are we
unable... to stop them...?
(I'd like to tell them that
we're sorry, but, well, I'm
not really sure I am. I mean,
we're disrupting their way of
life, but we're not doing it
because we're selfish!)
Hey, Serge, the hydra must
be just up ahead, so let's
[When he reaches the edge of the screen, however, he pauses and takes a look over his
shoulder to where he last saw the dwarves, and shakes his head before continuing on.]
Hydra Pool, Hydra Marshes (Home)
[The hydra is behind the chieftain, submerged in the pool]
Dwarf Chieftain:
You befouler of
the forests...!
Human vermin!!!
Prepare to receive
the anger of nature
that you so deserve! Hi-ho!
O great Hydra!
Hear my voice!
Turn on these
wretched humans...
Teach them how the
forest, no...our
planet... is pained
by their existence!
Hi-ho, Hydra, away!
[They fight and defeat the hydra]
Dwarf Chieftain:
What do you humans
intend to do with
our mother planet?
Not thinking of the
down trees like
there's no tomorrow!
Burning the forests
to make your towns
even bigger!
And all for what?
Dwarf Chieftain:
Do you think that you
are the only ones who
live on this planet!?
Do you even know the
works of life-forms
other than yourselves?
Hi-ho!? Hi-ho!?
Leena: | Nikki:
What are you trying to say? | I know that everyone--
That letting our friend die | everyTHING--has a right to
would have been better than | live. But there are times
letting the hydra die? That's | when only one of two creatures
stupid! | can survive.
Serge: [making a sharp waving gesture in front of his face]
Saying that Kid's life is
worth less than your hydra's
is just selfish. (I can't...
I don't... We did do the right
thing, didn't we? Or at least
not the wrong thing.)
Dwarf Chieftain:
Don't kid yourselves!
You are just hairless
apes! Or worse, hi-ho!
You are nothing more
than freaks of-of-of
[The chieftain flees. Serge checks the hydra and gets the Humour]
[Member] received
Hydra Humour!
Entrance, Hydra Marshes (Home)
Funny, there doesn't seem
to be a single dwarf
anywhere. I wonder where
they went...?
Who knows? Let's get going.
Termina (Another)
That's the stuff we needed to
save that girl, huh!?
I think so. (If it turns out
we got the wrong hydra bit
after all that, I'm gonna
tie a rock to my ankles and
jump off the dock!)
Then there's no time to lose!
Full speed ahead!
~~~Return to Guldove
~~~Wait just a minute
Guldove (Another)
Let's rush that over to the
doctor right away.
C'mon! You guys hurry too!
We're hurrying, we're
hurrying! (He COULD take
into consideration that
we've been wandering all
over the place fighting
dwarves and hydras while
he sat in Termina
twiddling his thumbs...)
Doc's House, Guldove (Another)
[Minor unmarked amendations were made to Doc's dialogue where he originally
should have used a contraction but didn't.]
...Oh, it's you dudes.
The patient's strength is at
its limit. Without the antidote...
[Serge holds up the flask of Humour]
I think this is what you're
looking for.
Can this be!?
Hydra Humour...but how?
We'll discuss that later.
As long as we have this, making
an antidote will be easier than
catching a wave!
We can save the girl with this!!!
(Oof. We got it right, then.)
We'll prepare an antidote
right away. Nurse, help me with
the preparations! Stat!
[Demi-human Woman]
I have no idea where in the
world you found this...nor do
I know who you really are...
But now isn't the time to
ask such questions.
You've done your part; now
you can leave the rest to me.
[He leaves]
You heard the doc;
we've done all we can.
Just trust him and wait.
[They wait in the outer room. Time passes.]
Leena: | Nikki:
It's getting pretty | Hmmm, normally I'd be
late... | getting out my guitar
| to warm up for the
| evening concert about now...
[The doctor enters]
Doc, how is she?
Will she be alright?
(He took the words right
out of my mouth. Again.)
Yes, she's passed the critical
period. There are no signs of
complications from the poison.
The girl's held up well,
but only thanks to you dudes.
You've done the impossible by
finding the antidote...
I still can't believe it...
You, with the red bandana,
you're Serge, correct?
That's me.
She'd like to speak with you.
It would be a little while longer
before she falls asleep from the
Will you speak with her, dude?
[Serge nods]
Of course I will.
I'll be in the room next door,
so call me when you need me.
And don't forget that even
though the poison is gone, she
hasn't completely recovered.
...Well then,
catch you later, dude.
Inner Room, Doc's House, Guldove (Another)
[Serge approaches Kid's bed]
Hehe, you've become
bloody handsome while
I was out of it.
[Serge blushes]
Give me a break.
I don't know all the details,
but I heard what happened
from the doc.
Looks like there's been a lot
goin' on while I was asleep...
I guess it proves that you can
take care of yerself now, eh?
You're saying that I couldn't,
So next time some bloke like
that Karsh jumps ya, I should
just stay away, eh?
Heh. Thought that might be
yer answer.
...Oi, Serge.
Ya did good, mate. Why don't ya
look cheerful for a change?
Well, excuse me for being
worried about you! (I can't
tell her about the dwarves
and the hydra... She isn't
the sort of person who
would let something like
that bother her, so she'd
just think I was being silly.
And anyway, I really WAS
worried. I mean... I kind
of... I'd hate to lose a
[He blushes again.]
Ha, I would've been alright
without any antidote at all!
Now I owe ya one...
...You're welcome.
[She falls asleep]
Doc's House, Guldove (Another)
[much later]
Korcha: how it is, Doc.
...A world different from
our own?
That's far out, man...!
That there really is
such a thing...
And you dudes are from this
other world, I presume?
No, actually I'm the only
one who's from that world.
People just keep tagging
along with me, for some
Another world...
So I suppose some things are
slightly different.
The Hydra Marshes are a
good example of this.
Otherwise we would have never
found a Hydra in this world.
(Not to mention my being
dead here and alive there...
Or should that be vice-versa
right now?)
Parallel worlds, never to cross
each other, yet existing
alongside one another...
I wouldn't think too hard about
it. I've already given myself a
couple of headaches.
[Demi-human Woman]
Well, we've got some good
headache medicine if you
need any.
But he's got a point, doctor.
Kid's life has been saved.
I don't think we need to think
about anything further for the
time being.
Well, I guess you're right...
I can't find an answer to this
by thinking about it on my own.
(Nice to know I'm not the only
one who's confused.)
It's pretty late.
We've been talking for
quite some time...
Let's call it a night.
One good day's rest should be
enough to let her get up and
hang ten.
[Normally, Mel would sneak in and steal Kid's Elements here, but
as I'm cutting her as a PC, I don't see any use in including the
Element Hunt in the plot. The next morning, Serge, Nikki, Korcha,
and (if she's been recruited) Leena are waiting in the outer room
of Doc's place when Kid walks in from the ward area and stretches.]
So, we were talkin' 'bout
goin' to the Dead Sea to
look for the Frozen Flame
right before Lynx's little
surprise caught up with me,
or have we changed plans?
So it's "we", now?
Bet yer arse, mate. I
figure, if I stick with ya,
I'll catch up with Lynx
again sooner or later--and
use his own hydra venom on
him. Stuff hurts like a
stone bitch when it's in
yer system.
(She really wants to make
Lynx hurt. I hate to think
what he must have done to
The Dead Sea, eh? I can
take ya there, but there
ain't no way inside.
Lynx got in, so there has to
be a way. Maybe there's an
underwater passage through
the barrier, or something like
that--a place where people
wouldn't normally look.
Or we could just go after
Lynx and Viper and their mob,
if we can figure out where
they got to.
I think...maybe we should
start in Termina. It's the
most likely place to find
news. If no one knows anything
about where Viper and Lynx
went, then we can try the
Dead Sea.
Sounds like a plan to me,
mate. So when do we leave?
[Kid (re)joins the party--no, I'm not giving the player the option of refusing her
in this branch, either. There isn't any point, because from this point on, there are
no special scenes that I know of written specifically for a party that never recruited
Kid, as there were in Viper Manor.]
Anyway, I said thanks to
Serge, but not to the rest
of you blokes.
Leena: [if she's there]
That's okay. Don't mention
Leaving a pretty girl in
distress would ruin my image.
Heh, you're a sly dog, you
are. Korcha,
I heard that ya helped
in the search, too.
It was nothing.
Well, thanks for
nothin' then...
Anyway, the next posting should be the continuation of both this and the Magus/Guile branch,
from the departure from Guldove to the end of the chapter, but I have to sort out which bits
of it are still important.