Author Topic: CC Weapon Minimum Damage/Armor Minimum Defense  (Read 2685 times)


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CC Weapon Minimum Damage/Armor Minimum Defense
« on: December 12, 2009, 10:42:15 pm »
How this list works?
For example, a Steel Swallow has a damage value of 13, its minimum damage is:  (1-20%)x13 = 0.8 x 13 = 10.4, those after the decimal point will be dropped, so it is 10(this value can be found in Ultimania, I post this list just to show an overview of the weapons).
Now you see daggers do steady damage, but Pack of Lies's can do half damage if you are not that lucky.

Armor's defense value follows the same way, but for some reason, the values listed in the Encyclopedia are their minimum defense?
And I don't see a defense value for Ghetz's Shirt, will double check it later.

Sea Swallow
6-8 (20%)

Copper Swallow
8-10 (20%)

Steel Swallow
10-13 (20%)

Silver Swallow
12-16 (20%)

Stone Swallow
16-20 (20%)

Spectra Swallow
20-25 (20%)

20-23 (10%)

Ivory Dagger
6-7 (5%)

Bronze Dagger
8-9 (5%)

Iron Dagger
11-12 (5%)

Mythril Dagger
14-15 (5%)

Denadorite Dagger
18-19 (5%)

Prism Dagger
22-24 (5%)

Silver Staff
12-16 (20%)

Stone Staff
16-20 (20%)

Spectral Staff
20-25 (20%)

Porcelain Rod
6-8 (25%)

Brass Rod
7-10 (25%)

Iron Rod
9-13 (25%)

Mythril Rod
12-16 (25%)

Denadorite Rod
15-20 (25%)

Rainbow Rod
18-25 (25%)

Floral Rod
19-24 (20%)

Bone Sword
6-8 (15%)

Bronze Sword
8-10 (15%)

Steel Sword
11-13 (15%)

Silver Sword
13-16 (15%)

Stone Sword
17-20 (15%)

Spectral Sword
21-25 (15%)

Hero's Blade
8-11 (20%)

Viper's Venom
16-23 (30%)

19-21 (5%)

24-26 (5%)

20-23 (10%)

Ferrous Gun
11-13 (10%)

Argent Gun
14-16 (10%)

Denadorite Gun
18-20 (10%)

Spectral Gun
22-25 (10%)

Shockwave Gun
16-18 (10%)

Plasma Pistol
21-24 (10%)

Porcelain Pick
6-8 (20%)

Brass Pick
8-10 (20%)

Iron Pick
10-13 (20%)

Mythril Pick
12-16 (20%)

Pebble Pick
16-20 (20%)

Prism Pick
20-25 (20%)

14-18 (20%)

Betta Carotene
19-24 (20%)

Bone Axe
6-8 (20%)

Bronze Axe
8-10 (20%)

Iron Axe
10-13 (20%)

Silver Axe
12-16 (20%)

Stone Axe
16-20 (20%)

Rainbow Axe
20-25 (20%)

Great Hammer
13-17 (20%)

Master Hammer
18-23 (20%)

Bronze Lure
8-10 (20%)

Iron Lure
10-13 (20%)

Mythril Lure
12-16 (20%)

Stone Lure
16-20 (20%)

Prism Lure
20-25 (20%)

7-10 (30%)

9-13 (30%)

11-16 (30%)

14-20 (30%)

17-25 (30%)

Bone Shot
6-8 (20%)

Bronze Shot
8-10 (20%)

Steel Shot
10-13 (20%)

Silver Shot
12-16 (20%)

Stone Shot
16-20 (20%)

Prism Pellets
20-25 (20%)

Private Deck
12-20 (40%)

Pack of Lies
12-25 (50%)

Spatula Ca20
6-8 (20%)

Besom Cu29
8-10 (20%)

Ladle Fe26
10-13 (20%)

Frypan Ag47
12-16 (20%)

Saucepan SiO2
16-20 (20%)

Crystalpan C6
20-25 (20%)

Bone Glove
6-8 (20%)

Bronze Glove
8-10 (20%)

Iron Glove
10-13 (20%)

Mythril Glove
12-16 (20%)

Granite Glove
16-20 (20%)

Spectral Glove
20-25 (20%)

Here goes the armor list:

Ivory Mail
2-3 (5%)

Bronze Mail
4-5 (5%)

Iron Mail
7-8 (5%)

Mythril Mail
10-11 (5%)

Stone Mail
13-14 (5%)

Prism Mail
17-18 (5%)

Ivory Vest
1-2 (10%)

Bronze Vest
3-4 (10%)

Iron Vest
6-7 (10%)

Mythril Vest
9-10 (10%)

Stone Vest
11-13 (10%)

Prism Vest
14-16 (10%)

Blue Plate
7-9 (20%)

Red Plate
7-9 (20%)

Yellow Plate
7-9 (20%)

Green Plate
7-9 (20%)

Black Plate
7-9 (20%)

White Plate
7-9 (20%)

Feathery Dress
3-4 (8%)

Scaley Dress
5-6 (8%)

Carapace Dress
7-8 (8%)

Screwy Dress
9-10 (8%)

Diva Dress
11-12 (8%)

Wisp Cape
6-7 (8%)

Cloud Cape
8-9 (8%)

Stardust Cape
10-11 (8%)

Energizer Suit
6-8 (20%)

Ghetz's Shirt
0-0 (1%)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 11:03:43 pm by utunnels »


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Re: CC Weapon Minimum Damage/Armor Minimum Defense
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2009, 03:06:17 pm »
How should we add this to the encyclopedia?


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Re: CC Weapon Minimum Damage/Armor Minimum Defense
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2009, 02:24:31 am »


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Re: CC Weapon Minimum Damage/Armor Minimum Defense
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2009, 10:04:26 am »
Okay, I'll edit all the pages after posting the update.