Well, the vox populi has spoken, and it shall be answered.
Here is the second chapter of the epic installment. This time, things get weird.
Chapter Two: If I Ran the Super Dimensional Transfer PodFor Crono and Marle, the day was a blast,
reminiscing of innocent childhoods past.
They fought rounds with Gato. They danced on their feet.
Bekkler’s Tent of Horrors made their heart skip a beat.
It wasn’t too long before Leene’s Bell rang three.
The fair-goers moved to the North Square to see
Lucca’s newest invention. “What in Truce could it be?”
Marle asked. Crono said, “Come. Let’s go see.”
Crono and Marle headed up there as well,
But Marle’s sweet tooth was beginning to swell.
She stopped Crono short so she could buy candy.
Crono stood there and thought, “Well, this is just dandy!”
Soon enough, Marle’s purchase was completed.
And just before Crono’s patience had depleted.
Taban, Lucca’s father, paraded about,
Showing off the invention with a very loud shout.
“It’s the Super Dimensional Transfer Pod!”
His words, however, couldn’t make them applaud.
Crono and Marle arrived to a skeptical bunch,
But when Lucca saw Crono, it gave her a hunch.
“I’ll have Crono test it. Then they will see
how safe and ingenious my invention will be.”
She pulled Crono out and told him her plight.
She begged and she pleaded, and Crono said, “All right!”
He stepped in the left pod, and Lucca engaged
The machine with her father in a passionate rage.
The Pods roared to life. Blue sparks were created.
Crono spun around and disintegrated
Into thin air. The sparks whizzed by so fast,
It was as if a rocket was flying past.
The sparks reassembled and Crono reappeared.
Lucca, Taban, Marle, and the whole crowd cheered.
“It really DOES work!” Taban said with relief.
Lucca just stood there and thought, “Good grief.”
Marle was excited, so she said on the fly,
“That looks so much fun! I’ll give it a try!
Stay right there, Crono. I’ll be back soon!”
She hopped in the left pod, awaiting her boon.
Taban asked, “Are you sure? If you cannot handle—”
“No way!” Marle shouted. “Let’s light this candle!”
With that, Lucca and Taban got things on track
The machine roared to life, giving Marle no slack.
Suddenly, Marle’s pendant twinkled so bright.
Marle looked down and thought, “This isn’t right.”
She screamed as she saw sparks jump from the pods
Creating a spectacle defying all odds.
She vanished in a manner unlike Crono before.
The machine died down. What was in store?
Just then, a portal materialized
Between the two pods. Everyone realized
That Marle was lying there passed out inside.
“Perhaps she’s asleep, or perhaps she has died!”
Crono thought as he raced up to save
Marle from what he thought was her grave.
Too late! The portal shrunk and vanished. All gone.
Taban closed the square off and yelled, “What went wrong?”
“Both the pods were working,” Lucca said as she puzzled,
“But I bet the pendant was what made them confuzzled.
They reacted to it and they went berserk.
Could it be some extra-dimensional work?”
A frustrated Crono saw with the eye
Marle’s pendant still there. He said, “Maybe I
Could go save here. Let’s try it again.”
Taban said, “Well, aren’t you a true gentleman?”
“No guarantees,” Lucca said as both she
and Taban worked simultaneously
to restart the pods. They both got lucky.
The pods roared and rumbled while a plucky
Young Crono held tight to his chest
The pendant that once clung to Marle’s breast.
The pendant grew bright, to everyone’s surprise.
And Crono disappeared right before their eyes.
The machine shut down, and a portal emerged.
Crono was inside as it pulsed and surged.
“We’ll handle things back here,” Lucca yelled.
“What’s on the other side? I cannot tell!”
With that, the portal disappeared from the air.
Crono was unsure if he was prepared.
“Where did Marle go? I hope she’s okay.”
Crono thought in mid-flight. “This isn’t my day...”
To be continued… (I hope)