Chapter III
A new day rose in the Kingdom of Guardia. There had not been much of a war between Mystics and men for a while now, so Guardia’s army was rather loose at this time. The most that castle guards had to worry about were disgruntled people and if the castle chef’s dishes were safe enough to eat.
Cyrus, a seasoned knight in his twenties, was highly respected by the people and a close young friend of his, Glenn, looked up to him as a mentor and brother. Though he fought many battles, Cyrus had one concern on his mind in this time of peace.
“Glenn…” Cyrus said calmly.
“Aye?” replied Glenn.
“Though my duty remains true to my King and Queen… I wonder… Perhaps it is time I find a woman to love. There are many eligible bachelorettes in Guardia.. but which one would I call my wife… to mother for me a son or daughter?” he asked.
“Hmm… The infirmary nurse would be my pick. She’s caring and has an incredible body… But that’s only an opinion.” Glenn said.
“… You like her, don’t you Glenn?” Cyrus asked, knowing Glenn’s suggestion pretty much hinted at that.
“… Well, she does kiss me on the cheek sometimes, but--“ Just then a hoard of soldiers ran past Cyrus yelling “Retreat! Retreat!” Surprised, Cyrus and Glenn stopped one.
“What’s the matter here, soldier?” Cyrus demanded.
“Th-he Mystics… they have a new ally… A beautiful but deadly blue-haired woman… A teenager, I’d say. She’s a sorceress!” he said reluctantly, before darting off to safety.
Cyrus unsheathed his blade. “Glenn, follow me! We have work to do…” The two men ran through the forest.
“Haha!” Ozzie belched out. “Those humans don’t know what hit ‘em! Onwards, troops!”
Schala stood by his side in some new attire: a golden-horned plate tiara, a midnight blue breastplate covering only her chest, a corresponding piece covering her below parts up, matching colored gauntlets, plate greaves that covered up to her knee caps, and a dark violet cape. “You ought to have assessed their forces first, imbecile.” she said coldly.
“Pah, what do you know, girl?! They’re all pushovers; flee real easily they do!” Ozzie said, being cocky.
“What about them?” Schala asked, pointing to Glenn and Cyrus. “They don’t appear to be fleeing cowards to me.”
“… Crap! It’s him! It’s Cyrus!” Ozzie said in a panic.
“You, on the other hand…” Schala said, crossing her arms and stared at Cyrus. “Kill him.” she coldly ordered.
“Glenn, get ready!” Cyrus said. Glenn and Cyrus vanquished the Mystic forces within seconds. Ozzie fled, but Schala stood her ground, not swayed at all.
“Sorceress, surrender yourself!” Cyrus demanded.
Schala stared at the two for a moment, then smirked. “My, my… Guardia’s most prestigeous knight. I must say, I was not expecting to face you personally, Cyrus…”
Cyrus and Glenn got ready to battle as she approached. “Come now, you two. You’d honestly strike a lady, let alone with a blade?”
The two men stood their ground, holding the blades. “Drop your blades…. Now!” Unexplainably, the men’s blades flew out of their grasp. Cyrus and Glenn stood baffled by this.
“You are… human!” Cyrus said in surprising realization. “… but why fight for the Mystics? They’re an unruly bunch.”
“Why fight for a kingdom of humans? Humans are power-obsessed fools, meant to waste away. They’re an attrocity committed by nature!” she stated.
“But *you* are human! Surely you have a family that--“ Cyrus was interrupted as Schala cast a ring of shadowy energy to grip his throat.
“Don’t *ever* speak about my family! I have no family! The fools…” Schala said, before letting her spell on Cyrus dissipate.
“Aren’t you going to fight us?” Glenn asked.
Schala looked at him with some compassion in her eyes. “If I wanted to kill you, I would’ve done it by now.” she said, turning to walk away.
“You’re leaving just like that?!” Cyrus exclaimed, Schala stopping in her tracks and sighing.
“Just because we are enemies does not mean I do not respect you…” She turned her head and gently smiled to them. “Cyrus… we will do battle when next we meet. It would be unfair for me to fight you in your current state. Please rest up, and I will see you at this spot in a month” she continued walking but then stopped again.
“Oh, and if you bring an army… you will have had made a huge mistake.” she said, disappearing into the forest.
Glenn looked up at Cyrus. “What are we to do, Cyrus?” he said.
“I do not know… But I sense that woman does not intend to harm either of us. Maybe I should take her up on her request…” Cyrus said.