Hello there! My name is Robin, ive actually been hanging around this website for a while now without signing up (not sure why, guess im just not much of a poster) however ive been working on a small chrono game for a little while now and since ive just now rounded up a tiny demo i figured id sign up to try and get some feedback and some inspiration to continue ^_^
Chrono Battle is a touhou inspired shooter based on Chrono Trigger, it will have 6 stages (one for each timeline) and a special stage for the end of time, there isnt any storyline in this game, and i dont plan on making one since this started out as a way for me to learn how to use Game Maker, but i do try to make in enjoyable as well as challenging.
There are several things i want to add to this game (including a magic system) but lately ive been a bit lazy with it, therefore im now posting a small demo of the two first stages in hopes that il get some feedback to jumpstart my inspiration to continue working on this, any suggestions (or complains) would be much appreciated!
Oh and i know people love these so heres a screenshot:

The controls are simple..
Z - Action/Fire
Hold Shift - Focus mode
Arrow keys - Navigate menu/Move
Heres the demo link:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6GO6BQ3AAnd heres my newly created blog, where you can follow the games development: (im not working on this too much right now so dont expect updates every day)
I will be trying to add an online high score system as well as LAN multiplayer (hamachi ftw)