Ah, sorry for the late response, Celestial.
For the gargling bit: I assumed so. I'm sorry, but that music just didn't appeal to me.

Though hopefully my comment doesn't discourage you, because you did the best thing following your inspiration. Get inspired, feel the spirit, and go forth: that's how artists work, and if things don't go well they get better with every try.

What impresses me is that you dared to try the unique idea. What music was it that inspired you?
For the second one, I'm afraid I'm not the best person to hand critique, nor can I say how you could improve. The most I can think of when I hear it is that it was a practice recording by a professional musician, not for studio use. The pitch synchronization between the viola and soprano were
fantastic, but depending on what you were trying to achieve here, that was basically the problem. As for the composition itself, I just didn't feel any spirit into it.
But anyway, that's just me. These aren't so much as "criticisms" as they are my honest thoughts of it, so hope you take it as such. Of course, I do appreciate two things greatly here: 1) Your skill at viola and her skill at soprano, which I'm hoping to hear more of, and 2) your will and drive to try the unthinkable.