anyone wanna help me make one? i need a graphics artest and a story writer. i plan to make this in java cause its the only lang i know.
Graphics artest.
Song maker.
Story writer.
Java Programmer.
Website developer.
just mark down how good you are at all of these when you apply. like this
(this example is also how good i really am at each job)
Graphics artest (Average or less)
Song maker (very bad)
Story writer ( good)
Java Programmer (great)
Website developer(good)
RDCT team (temp name) will have its own website, myspace, and email. <joke>fear not, for i know the magic that is HTML</joke>
RDCT team (temp name) will not accept help from anyone outside of RDCT team (temp name).
RDCT team (temp name) will have probaly 3 - 5 members (counting me)
by the way for those who would want to help me with this here's some faces to help you better understand me
and what i expect.
1) 12000 B.C is my fave time era
2) magus is my fave character
3) from a game play stand point i felt RD was better than CT (i'm not saying CT sucks or anything so no flameing)
4) i perfer action RPGs, card RPGs text RPGs, and books to normal RPGs
5) i am mainly doing this for 2 reasons:
A) i want to be part of a team and make some good friends, and posibaly work with the team on other
projects someday
B) i want to make a text RPG
6) i expect things to be done in a timly manner (it should not take you two months to make one sprite)
in return i will do things in a timly manner as well.
7) anything you create for RDCT Project (temp name) that is unique you can copywrite; However, you automaticly give the RDCT team (temp name) premission to use said thing in they're current project (you can prevent us from useing it in a sequel)
you can be fired from this project. i am doing this to make friends so if you're not being friendly or not doing your
job its bye bye. if you have a you dont like another member of RDCT team you can tell me why and i'll deside if i
should fire them or not.
9) i know this might seem alittle strict, but surely you can see it will be a great working experence.
10) you will not be paid
11) no screwing anybody over ("thanks for the this awesome sprite, but your usefullness as ended, you're fired" there will be none of this)