Just figured out how to make a tech damage and cause status abnormalities simultaneously! Hope everyone's as hyped about this as I am (and that I didn't "rediscover" something already uncovered in this thread).
I'll give an example of a version of Magus' Dark Mist that stops enemies:
Normally Dark Mist's properties are as follows:
To turn this baby into a grand showstopper for enemies, change the first byte ("Magic Type") to 0x32. Also change the blue byte to 0x94. The purple bytes control the percentage success rate of the attack itself (now Dark Mist can miss if I set both to 0x00), but also possibly the success rate of the status effect. Not quite clear on that. But definitely, the first byte must be 0x32 and the blue byte must be 0x94. There's some kind of interaction between the bytes, and both are needed apparently. Oh -- of course you have to specify the status abnormality on the lower menus in jsondag's tech editor as you would a non-damaging status inflicting tech.
Now the downside -- I don't think all status abnormalities can affect enemies. For example, I thought it would be really cool for Dark Mist to blind enemies, but I've been testing with these darn imps that hit back, blind or not, 100% of the time. Luckily, "Stop" works perfectly, so I know it's not a matter of activating the graphical and statistical effect of the status separately.
EDIT: I also wanted to post my findings on which status abnormalities are useful and not useful.
*Blind: Effect shows graphically, but does not seem to have an impact on the opponent's hit rate.
*Confuse: We all know this works.
*Doom: Jury's out on this one; I'm not sure if it needs special coding associated with Black Hole or not.
*Poison: Works.
*Silence: Effect shows graphically, but I'm not sure if it really works. I need to find an enemy that uses special techs to test on I guess.
*Sleep: Works.
*Stop: Works.
*Unknown: I suspect this is actually "Slow" but I can't tell because it hasn't affected any enemies I've tried it on yet.
EDIT AGAIN: Random notes: Change the first two bytes of tech properties to 0x40 and 0x05 and you'll have an MP drain attack. Problem -- enemies tend not to have MP.