Search results
- ...s/CT%20Prerelease%20Script.xls Chrono Trigger Prerelease Script V. 0.9] by Vehek, RyogaMasaki, ZeaLitY (Excel 2003 Spreadsheet) Chrono Trigger Prelease Text Dump] by Vehek, RyogaMasaki (Text File)4 KB (643 words) - 16:24, 22 November 2022
- ...release, along with a few oddities. Monsters are listed by digit and name. Vehek has created two text files with monster stats for perusal. The abridged ver29 KB (3,968 words) - 01:54, 26 December 2009
- ...0AD map appears to be brown instead of blue. This was true in the tiny map Vehek mentioned upthread too. Maybe it was supposed to be buried in 600AD? Or may ...tones seems to be the unused tombstone sprite from the Prerelease ROM that Vehek posted about [ KB (16,865 words) - 16:18, 29 December 2023
- ... action RPG made in RPGMaker2003 and featuring the original cast. Found by Vehek, it's done in Spanish. Watch a Youtube preview [ KB (1,861 words) - 02:54, 20 August 2020
- ''Thanks to Vehek''8 KB (1,478 words) - 18:58, 22 November 2022
- ...rom the Prerelease ROM and interesting differences. Thanks to RyogaMasaki, Vehek, and GlitterBerri of [ BerriBlue] for making .../CT%20Prerelease%20Script.xls Chrono Trigger Prerelease Script V. 0.91] by Vehek, RyogaMasaki, ZeaLitY (Excel 2003 Spreadsheet), with bluesun corrections53 KB (6,174 words) - 18:32, 27 March 2019
- ...miscellaneous), Geiger and JLukas (technical assistance and hard hacking), Vehek (title screen creation), and Lena Andreia (elemental icon and banner creati9 KB (1,359 words) - 07:10, 14 November 2019
- ...lications/ChronoCrossDemoRawScripts.rar Chrono Cross Demo Room Scripts] by Vehek, utunnels, yaz0r39 KB (5,956 words) - 04:04, 24 November 2022
- ...r: Prophet's Guile. The soundtrack was remixed with the help of JCE3000GT, Vehek, and ZeaLitY.568 KB (71,928 words) - 05:45, 11 December 2023
- ===Vehek===2 KB (387 words) - 08:50, 11 March 2009
- ''Thanks to Vehek''674 B (101 words) - 06:48, 8 February 2016
-,9698.0.html here]. Credits to Vehek for clearing up Poshul and Mojo's cutoff times.6 KB (1,052 words) - 21:57, 1 May 2014
- ...3000GT and Vehek. JCE is blazing a trail as we speak with SPC hacking, and Vehek is a vigilant resident of the Compendium forums. Starting with JCE: '''Continuing with Vehek...'''19 KB (3,248 words) - 00:15, 22 February 2009
- ...stead on an ISO (2048 bytes/sector) or on the extracted files. ''Thanks to Vehek''16 KB (2,715 words) - 02:42, 20 November 2022
- ...ters_-_Thanks_to_Mauron_JLukas_Vehek.ips 6-Letter Names Patch], by Mauron, Vehek, JLukas, justin3009; apply to unheadered ROM18 KB (2,953 words) - 19:44, 7 December 2023
- ''Thanks to Vehek''7 KB (1,216 words) - 04:31, 7 September 2020
- * Vehek for helping me to understand DaMarsMan's code for inserting an introduction3 KB (519 words) - 03:03, 17 May 2008
- ''Vehek''11 KB (1,550 words) - 17:37, 1 July 2008
- Thanks to Vargose, JCE3000GT, Vehek, and Geiger.6 KB (856 words) - 02:56, 5 October 2007
- FROM THE PAST: Vehek's Feelings on the Project, 2006-10-21163 KB (26,569 words) - 01:04, 23 November 2022